Saturday, May 5, 2018


I had a customer come into the store. 
Needing to exchange out a turtle dock because the one she'd bought was missing the suction cups.
So I found her another one and made sure it had all the parts. 

But before we could go up to the register to exchange the products....
She stated that she also needed help with a filter.

Specifically a part of the filter she needed to get/replace.

Which I was quick to say "I don't carry parts."

Because we don't.
Like we carry cartridges to put in the filters.
But beyond that? Things like Biowheels or plastic tubes and the like?
Yah. We don't have.

So if those things break?
We can't help.
Either you have to find the pieces online somewhere....
Or need to buy an entirely new filter system. (cus companies want you buying more of their things.) 

But the customer went on to explain the piece she was looking for.
It's the part of the tubing that makes a u-bend to go over the side of the tank.
It's too short for their tank, and they needed to make it longer. 

To which I was like "AH, I see the problem, but I still don't have the parts."

She responded by saying she wanted to see the filters/parts.

So I showed her the filters.
And told her again "I don't carry the parts to filters, just the entire filters themselves."

So she was like "What's that?" and points to a canister filter.
So I told her "It's a canister filter."
"And what connects to those pieces?" She asked, pointing to the in/out flow points into the main canister filter.
"And what do the hoses connect to go into a tank."
So I told her. "It's a plastic piece in a u-shape"
She nodded and said "I need that piece!"

*eye twitch* I got that the first time!
But still I had to tell her AGAIN. "I don't carry it. I don't carry parts to filters" 

To which she finally FINALLY comprehended. "Oh, I thought you'd carry the pieces."

No. No we don't. I told you at least six times I feel like that I don't, how could you not hear me all six times? How could it go in one ear and out the other? How could I have worded it differently because I'm pretty sure "We don't carry this part." Is really clear. 

I don't get customers some days. I really don't. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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