Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Big Bag Please

Customers are weird.
Like I get when they want to be extra careful and ensure that the animal lives....
But sometimes they can go...like a bit overboard with it?

I had a family come into the store.
Parents and a Daughter....possibly more siblings as well.
Though I really only interacted with Mother and Daughter. 

And the mother had that "Can I talk to the manager" sort of attitude. The attitude of "If you don't give me exactly what I want I'm going to complain." 

While the daughter was more of a mild mannered and timid sort. 

But the Mom found me and was like "My daughter wants a fish! A Zebra Tetra!" 

....Which we don't carry Zebra Tetras....so I was like "Zebra Danio? Neon Tetra?" 
She's like "no, the fish with the vertical black stripes."

Oh. The Black Skirt Tetras. 

*shakes head* 

So I was like "How many do you want?"

The daughter quietly said "Two." 

So I got on the ladder to grab two Black Skirts....
And had just scooped in two into my net.

When the mother was like: "NO! She had one in mind that she wanted!" 

....okay why didn't you say so in the first place?
I looked to the daughter, who quietly said that she wanted darker ones that were of similar size.

Ooohkay...not too hard to do. *shakes head* 

So I grab the fish, and go to grab a bag and ask my usual question of "Do you live under an hour or over an hour away?"
Because my smallest bag is good for an hour and a half, and I have customers who come from up to 4 hours away to come get fish. (Because our location is the closest to them.)

The mother stated that the drive was an hour.
Which okay, small bag it is then.

But then she asked for me to "Do something special" to ensure that the fish live that long.
But like....we don't? We don't do anything to the fish. If the drive home is longer we put them in larger bags so that there's more air in the bag.

So upon hearing that she was like "Okay I'll take the largest bag then!" 

Which I literally gave her the O.o look of confusion and blankly told her "That's good for 3 hours, but your drive is only an hour. The small bag is good for an hour and a half" 

But No. "I live in Central!" she said.
Which I took to mean that she meant that she lived in the central part of the state....
Which if you hadn't just told me was an HOUR away would have made more sense to be concerned.
As again, I have people drive for 3-4 hours to come to our store to get fish. 

But it was a freaking HOUR
and you said you were going STRAIGHT HOME

Why do you need the biggest bag possible to take home two fish??

I gave her the big bag anyways. Because you know, 'make the customer happy'

But I still think it was a bit extreme.
There was no reason to get such a big bag for those little fish....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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