Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Build For Me

I was in the middle of helping a customer with fish when my head manager called me to the office over the radio. Stating only "I have a message for you." 

Like. O.o
A message? Is this a good message or a bad message? Am I in trouble?
:S :S :S

Turns out.
A customer had called while I was busy helping with the fish.
Who wanted to see if we could do him a huge favor.

Where he wanted to buy a Leopard Gecko for his son for his birthday. 
Only he wanted us to set up the cage for him and have the leopard gecko in there so he could basically walk into the store, grab the cage, pay for it all and walk out straight to the birthday party.

Normally we don't do that sort of thing. 
But the manager was all for it.
So I called the customer back to find out what sort of cage he wanted and what type of leopard geckos and such....

Only the cage he wanted...we didn't currently have in stock. *exhales* It could have shown up on our truck that came in an hour before I was off....but at the point of the phone conversation, the truck hadn't shown up.

Still. I went through options.
And the customer thought he might go to a different Starsmet and pick up a tank there cus he knew it was in stock, then come down here to grab the leopard gecko.

Which at that point we had three in stock.

Only when I hung up there was a customer wanting one of them.

Meaning I had only two in stock.

And I didn't want the customer to come in to find out we had none because they sold. 
-Because once a customer wants something suddenly everyone else wants it too. 
So to prevent that possibility. 
I put a reserved sign in the cage to keep the other two 'on hold' so the customer could come grab the cage.

He'd made it sound like he was going to be in before I got off.....
But I never saw him.

...So I have no idea if he came in after my shift or if he ended up finding a leopard gecko and cage elsewhere that he was more happy with....I'll guess we'll see when I come in tomorrow if I'm down to one leopard gecko or still have two. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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