Thursday, August 9, 2018

Echoing Bark

There's this Border Collie that comes into work every now and then. 
Which I'm glad it's not frequent or I would go mad.

But these people come into the store with their Border Collie.

And the entire time they're within the building.
They let the dog bark it's head off.

Which, yah sure, dogs bark.

But when you're in the building for over 20 minutes.
And the dog is barking nonstop?

It starts getting on your nerves. 

But to add to it.
The dog has this bark.
Where it has it pitched in such a way that the barking echoes throughout the store.
So you literally can't get away from it.
It echoes.
And echoes.
And is so loud that you have to yell over the barking to try and be heard.

Which is a trial in of itself for me because I can't talk loud most of the time. *exhales*

But like seriously.
Why let your dog bark it's head off?
Are you totally oblivious to how much its bugging all the other customers?


I was so glad when they finally took the dog out of the store.
Because it was seriously getting on my nerves.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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