Wednesday, August 1, 2018


It's always been a struggle for me.
On deciding what to have my fellow coworkers do when they're scheduled to open with me.
Because like...our goal is to get things done quickly.
Which, since I have the most experience with things, usually means that I end up doing the bedding change.
But at the same time...I want to give my coworkers practice with the bedding change so that they can do it whenever I'm gone on vacation or something and which will allow them to practice so they can get faster at it.

Mostly comes down to playing it by ear. 
Because some coworkers can't do certain tasks --like if they're allergic to certain things.
So I basically see who is coming in, what time they're showing up, what bedding change is supposed to be done, and go from there on figuring out the day.

But then...
Today, work scheduled me to have a coworker open with me....who has never opened before.
Because even though they're certified to work in my department....they're basically never assigned to work in my department.
They've been in it before for like midday/closing shifts and such, which is a lot easier.
But never opening.

Which left me stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Because having never opened before, no matter what I had them do...I would have to take the time to teach them how to do the things I wanted them to do. 

But like....should I have them do the easy things or the hard things?
Because the chances of them opening again would be low. 
So it's like...why have them do the bedding change because they most likely won't need to do it again, but at the same time, the coworker was only there for four hours so like...why not have them do the bedding change? It would keep them occupied and out of my hair and I could get the rest of the department opened. 

And my coworker was willing to do the bedding change.
So I gave them a brief verbal rundown on what to do. And left them to it.....

Note to self: I can't just tell people how to do things. Even if I want to try and do things would probably help my coworkers a lot more if I showed them how to do things that way they have both verbal and visual reference to work from. 

Because like every two minutes or so it felt like the coworker was talking to me over the radio asking how to do this and how to do that and if things needed to be cleaned and....yah. It was quickly getting on my nerves.

And they were getting frustrated too. Because things were taking too long and they weren't sure they were even doing it right.

So. I ended up switching them out. Taking over the bedding change for them and having them do the easier tasks I hadn't yet gotten to. 

So yah...It's always a work in progress, figuring out how to use the help needed in ways that are most beneficial to opening the department but also helping them to learn how to do things as well. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Because I get that this is their first time and 

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