Thursday, August 30, 2018

Exotic Donation?

They always come together.
The same sort of needs.

This time towards the end of my shift.
I ended up receiving three calls in a row.
Where people were wanting to know if we could take animals that people no longer wanted.

Which we can't.
We don't accept animal donations,  nor do we take animals in unless they're through our certified breeders or through the adoption groups we partner with.

One of the callers was a woman who knew that we didn't take in fish, but also knew that we had display tanks. 

-Ones she thought we filled with our fish. Like our personal she made it sound like us, coworkers, would take turns bringing our fish from home to put in the tank to show off. 

O.o The fish in display tanks are fish from our fish wall.
More recently I've been putting in the fish with 'defects' in those tanks. Ones missing eyes or with mishapened bodies/fins/tails etc. 
To try and discourage people from wanting fish from those tanks. 
>.< *exhales* It doesn't work.
People still want the fish. Don't know why. They're DISPLAY for a reason. *shakes head*

In any case.

She knew we had these larger display tanks and wanted to know if we would take in two donations of 'exotic fish' to put in the display tanks.

It would depend on the type of 'exotic fish'
Because if they're like salt water fish exotic then I definitely can't take them. Because we only do freshwater tanks. 
But if it was something freshwater....
There could be the possibility, though I would have gone and double checked with my manager first to see if it was okay.
Because basically if anything goes into the tank....there's the possibility it would get sold, so we'd need to be able to potentially sell it. 
Plus we had three different display tanks.
Goldfish. Semi-Aggressive. and Tropical Community. 
So I would need to know the type to know if we could put the fish in.

Her exotic fish?

*shakes head*
Were two Tiger Oscars. One White. One Black. Both a little over a foot long.
Which meant.
Basically full grown. 

*shakes head* Exotic? Ha. If I sell it in the store it's hardly 'exotic.'

Nope. Nope.
Can't take those.

I don't have a Cichlid tank set up.
And Tiger Oscars are Cichlids.
Huge. Freaking. Cichlids.

That would EAT any other fish in that tank. 
*shakes head*

I had to decline.
Besides our semi-aggressive tank is a 60 gallon.... Is like...only a foot wide.
So it would be too narrow for the Tiger Oscars anyway. 

Sorry customer.
Couldn't help you there, though hopefully you find a home for your fishies. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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