Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Plecostomus

I had a customer come into the store today who wanted to buy a plecostomus. 

Which usually when I hear that they want to buy an algae eater, I ask the customer what size of tank they have.

Because we have a variety of plecos that get different sizes full grown.
And I try to find the right size of pleco for the size of the tank.

Customer didn't want to tell me what size of tank they had though.
They just wanted me to tell them where the plecostomus were.

So I was like "They're along this wall here." gesturing to the middle wall of fish tanks. 
And customer wasn't willing to 'look' on their own. They're like "Where? Show me where they are." 

So I was like "So your plecos are in this tank and this tank and this tank" 

And the customer legitly said: "I don't want a 'pleco,' I want a plecostomus. Where are they?!"

It took me a couple more tries before I was able to convince the customer that "plecos" and "plecostomus" were the exact same creature.

Like no one wants to say "Plecostomus" multiple times in a row. A lot of people struggle to even pronounce it.
So we refer to them as plecos as short.
Like a nickname.

So after showing the customer the various plecos we had.
They were like "Which one should I pick?"

To which I responded how I had responded the first time. "How big is your tank?"
Though the customer let me continue on and explain that we recommend particular plecos depending on the size of the tank.

Like most customers.
This one had no idea how big their tank was.

Apparently it's their spouse who usually comes to get the fish.
And more than likely it's the spouse who knows how big the tank actually is -though that's not always the case.

The customer gestured in a vague sort of 'around ten gallons' size of tank. so I ended up recommending either the Rubberlip or the Clown Pleco.

Customer ended up choosing the Rubberlip.
Hopefully it does well in their tank.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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