Wednesday, July 29, 2020

All of Them

Gotta love it when customers are...difficult.

Had a customer come into the store who wanted to get some feeder goldfish.
I'm guessing to feed to a Turtle.
But their turtle has been eating a lot of goldfish recently.
So they weren't quite sure how many they wanted to buy.

Or how much money they were willing to spend.
So I was trying to be helpful and telling them that the small fish would be like ten for $1.60 since they're 16 cents each.

And the customer was like: "Okay, just give me all the fish in that tank."
And pointed to one of our goldfish tanks.

I was rather skeptical that they actually wanted that many goldfish.
As customers don't always realize that the amount of fish that are in those tanks isn't the amount they're thinking it is.

So to check I was like "There could be 100 or so in there." 
Because thankfully we hadn't yet received in my goldfish shipment for the week.

cus if we did then there could have been upwards of 600 goldfish in the one tank depending on how the shipment came in.

The customer seemed to be fine with it.
Fine with the fact that I may be catching them 100 goldfish.


Which it's not that big of a deal to do so. 
I've caught far more than the fish that were in the tank before.
But with the numbers so low it just takes me a while to catch ALL of the fish because the fewer the fish in the tank the less I can catch all in one scoop.
So it takes forever.

No, what was irritating was that the customer seemed to be so amused by the fact that I had to catch so many fish. 
In the "Wow, I bet you hate your job now huh? Ha." sort of laughter.
Like I don't know if they were nervous I would be upset with them, or just laughing cus they were uncomfortable, or actually thought it was funny.

But like....
No? I don't hate my job.
I wouldn't have stuck with it for so long if I actually hated my job.
I love working with the animals.
And I often enjoy catching fish.

What I don't like are the customers who like to make my life difficult.
And catching an entire tank full of fish would fall underneath the difficult header.

Cus like. I like having specifics? Tell me you want 30 fish. Tell me you want 100.
I just like having a better idea of what I'm grabbing than "the entire tank." 

Because I really didn't want to fish out 100odd goldfish only for the customer to be like ()_() WHAT THAT'S TOO MANY?! I ONLY WANTED X AMOUNT! because they didn't comprehend that there could be that many in the tank even though I warned them that it was a possiblity.

Lucky them there were only 75 in there.
Lucky me they decided that 75 was great and didn't want more or less.

But yah.
I still don't understand why they wanted to take the entire tank. *exhales* 
I's not my personal style to 'take everything' as I like to leave things for others so that they can have the opportunity for the thing as well.
The people who take all and leave others with nothing....
Yah I'm not fond of working with them.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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