Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Unexpected Visit

My old Head Manager came into the store today.
Which was so weird.

Since it's been a good five months since he left the store.
And like...usually when Head Managers abruptly leave....
They don't usually come back into the store.

So it was so weird to see them.

But like good in a way.
Because I had been wondering what that head manager was up to.
Like what job they ended up getting.
How life is treating them.

Cus I tend to worry about people, even if it's on the back burner of my mind, when I don't know the end results of things that happen.

So it was kinda a relief to be able to just like 'check in' and see how they were doing. What they were up to. Catch up and such.

It was nice. 
I'm glad they're doing okay. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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