Thursday, July 30, 2020


Had a young boy come into the store today with his mother who decided that he wanted to have two goldfish for his new pets for his little fish tank.

Despite my best attempts to have the family pick out a fish better suited for the tank.
The boy ended up with two goldfish he picked out himself.

And like most little kids, he wanted to name them right away.
And asked if I wanted to hear what he wanted to name them.

It's one of my favorite things to hear what kids name their fish.
As they can be super simple like "Goldie" or they can be more complicated. 
The more simple names are my favorite to hear.

So I said yes.

And the kid told me that the first goldfish was gonna be called "Goldfish" while the second fish's name would be "Thomas the Goldfish" 

XD lol.
so we have Goldfish and Thomas the Goldfish.

It was cute.

And got cuter because a few minutes later the boy was like "I'm going to call Goldfish, "Goldfish the Friend" now."
And then "And Thomas needs a last name. So his name is Thomas Friend the Goldfish! Because they're both friends with each other and friends with me." 

It was the cutest thing. XD lol. 

Hopefully Goldfish the Friend and Thomas Friend the Goldfish do well in their new home. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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