Tuesday, July 14, 2020

No Hamsters

I had a customer come up to me today telling me that they wanted to buy a hamster.

Which wouldn't have been an issue....
Only I've completely sold out of my hamsters.
I have none whatsoever available to sell. 

And I told the customer this. That we have no hamsters.

To which they were like "I just want one."

To which I had to repeat myself. "We have no hamsters. We've sold them all. I only have mice."

"Only mice?"
"Yes. No hamsters."
"You have no hamsters?"
"No, I don't have any hamsters. The cages are all empty." 

It took a couple more repetitions and showing the customer the empty cages (as there was a slight language barrier between us) 
To convince them that we had no hamsters available for them to buy. 

They were rather disheartened by this.
Until they found out that we may be getting more hamsters in on Sunday or Monday.

Heavy emphasis on the 'may' because our breeders have been struggling to keep up with the demand for pets and so even though I 'am expecting around twenty hamsters to come into the store....I won't be surprised if I only get like six of them. 

Because that's been kinda the drill for the past month.
Where we really only receive in around a third or less of our expected animals because of the high demand.

So yah...
Hopefully we do have some hamsters for all the people who are wanting to come get them including this family. 

But we won't know until the shipment shows up.

So yah. It's gonna be fun.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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