Friday, July 17, 2020

Activated Charcoal

I had a customer ask me today if we had any activated charcoal in the store.
Which yah. We do. It's known as Activated Carbon here in the store. But it's the same thing and is often used as filter media for various water related things. Mostly fish tanks but can be used for like filter the water in cat/dog water fountains and such. 

Plus there was one memorable experience where a customer wanted charcoal to burn to get rid of bad spirits in their house.

In any case.
Before I could tell the customer where our activated carbon was.

They continued on with their explanation saying that they wanted it for their dog.

As they said that they heard from a vet that if you give the dog a big of activated charcoal mixed with water it can help them if they've been poisoned and such. 

Which later when I checked with actually a thing that people can do for their dogs....if they want them to voilently throw up...which if the dog has eaten chocolate or something else not good for them is a good thing.
But in general? No not something you want to do.

And the customer was wanting it because their dog has been throwing up food...and apparently eating bugs?? to which they were concerned that the dog might have accidentally eaten poison that was meant for the bugs.

However, the vet also said to not do anything if the puppy was acting normally.
And the puppy was acting normally.

He was just throwing up his food like ten to fifteen minutes after eating it.
And with the food still basically whole and undigested.

I kinda figured it might be more of a 'eating it to fast' sort of problem rather than a 'my dog may have been poisoned' sort of problem. 

As it is common for animals who've eaten food far too quickly to throw it back up again. That is an issue that I've encountered before.

And so I recommended to them that they try doing like a slow feeder instead.
Just something to prevent the puppy for inhaling his food and make him slow down and eat it more slowly to prevent him from throwing up.

So the customer ended up getting one of those. 
Hopefully it solves the issue. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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