Friday, July 10, 2020

Running Wild

It's always 'fun' when customers come into the store and bring their horde of children....and just let them basically run wild.

Thankfully most of the time the children aren't in the store longer than like...maybe 15 minutes to 30 minutes....

But this set of kids?
They must have been in the store for like an hour or two.

Which...honestly, I don't know why they were in the store for so long.

But the kids and their single parent were quite the handful to deal with first thing in my shift.

Where the two younger kids ran around like wild children.
Touching everything.
Running up to dogs to pet them.
Hiding from their parent.
And trying to play with the registers and the phones by the registers....
And giving us like blank stares of noncomprehension when we tell them they have to go to their parent now. And they can't play with that.

Seriously. Pandemic people? You shouldn't let your kids run around wild in public spaces especially now.

While the slightly older children were...persistent at the fishwall. Asking me and my coworkers tons of questions and being soooo indecisive about what they wanted to get for their fish tank.

Which was probably halfway because we were like "No you can't get that, no you can't get that either." because they kept picking fish that were incompatiable with each other.

But yah.
We were all breathing a sigh of relief when the parent finally gathered up all the kids and went and paid for the small basket of things they'd gathered together to purchase.

*shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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