Monday, June 29, 2015

MLAARE -Another Job

You know those coworkers, who after a kinda just wish that they would quit?
Those who you don't look forward to being scheduled to be with them, because it just makes the day...more difficult than it should be?

Most work places have that one coworker.
That one who loves the job so much, that you know they're never going to quit.

Recently I've had to work with such a coworker.
Because of a second job, their hours shifted from them working opposite shifts from the same. It's been difficult....lots of patience has had to be used in order to work with them.

And my patience has finally been rewarded.

Because I got the news,
That this coworker has found another job (so a third?)
That requires them to work during the time they've normally been working with me.
And so, they've had to change their hours....

But that doesn't mean that they're once again working opposite shifts from me.
No, they still have the other job as well.

So they have two jobs....that take up their days....
So this coworker's availability, is now only for like...once a week.
Yes, they're still be working here...(but only once a week...who knows how long that will be for...)

Yet this is good news!
Because the one day they're able to work...
Is the day I usually have off.

Which means....If all goes well.
I will almost never see them.

That's one less stressor in my life, for which I am grateful.
I hope that they find their new job to their liking, its hard to believe that they actually went and found another job... I didn't even know they were looking for another job. O.o Go figure...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 27, 2015

MLAARE -Arriving Now?

Ah, my poor animals.

So, at work, we have certain days that we get in animals.
Like clockwork (unless holidays mess with it.)
We can plan for it, we can expect it.

But, I was more than halfway through my work shift.
When I realized...
The animals hadn't shown up yet.
Usually they're there before the store opens or right at opening.
So we don't have to deal with placing animals while customers are wandering by possibly needing help.
There are always last week, when a new guy ran the animal route to cover for the usual guy. So it took them longer to go places.

Usually they're pretty early.
But this day.
They weren't early.
This day...
I was working a shorter shift.

And those coming in after me....haven't been trained on how to receive our new animals. To check them over, make sure they're healthy and such.

So, I did a quick explanation of what to do IF the animals show up.
And left.
I mean, I could have stayed later in hopes the animals would show up.
But there was no guarantee that the animals would show up in that extra time.
So I left.

And with relief found out the next day, that the animals had not arrived.
And that soon after I'd left the day before, they'd gotten notice that our truck had had 'mechanical problems.'
It should be arriving this day though.
Which was great!
Because there were two of us working at that point, who knew how to receive animals.

By the time we both left.
The animals still hadn't arrived!

They showed up like 2 hours after my other coworker left, only three hours before the store closed.
Which meant....
Those who hadn't yet been trained, officially...ended up receiving the animals.

Hopefully....we don't end up with any sick ones,
My coworker didn't seem too concerned, or at least didn't mention anything.
But I won't have a chance to see them for another day or so. (Yay for the Weekend off!)

Guess we'll see how well they did. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 26, 2015

MLAARE -Can't Hear You

I hate talking on the phone.
Especially if the phone isn't working right.
Twice in a row.
I answered the phone at work,
To have people say "I'm sorry I can't hear you."
Well....there's nothing I can do about that...I mean I tried speaking louder.
But nothing.

Apparently I was cutting in and out.
Which makes it difficult to explain complicated questions.
Like.... what to do when you buy two mice and they're fighting.
Obvious solution. Separate them.
Second solution. Give them get used to the place, if they bought them from takes time to get used to a new home. They stress out.
Third Solution. Bring one or both back.

They wanted to return them and see if we could give them female mice.
Unfortunately we don't sell female mice, we sell only male mice at our location. (prevents accidental breeding from happening.) And that a different Starsmet store would have the female mice.

Do you know how many times I had to repeat that information?
Way too much.
Way way way way too much.
So frustrated, and I have no idea what information actually go through. Or what they decided.

And then the very next customer who called....had the same problem. Gah!

Agh! So frustrating. Oh so frustrating.

I hardly wanted to answer the phone after that, because I didn't want to have to deal with it.

It was only hours later, that I realized...what I could have done to simplify the problem, was switch to a different phone in the store. And see if that would help.

Ah well....what's done is done.
Note to self though, try and switch to another phone if they can't hear me, instead of trying to struggle through a conversation.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 25, 2015

MLAARE -If You Do This

After a while, working with my coworkers, I can figure out what they like, and don't like to do.
And usually, I like to make people happy.
So once I figure out what they don't like doing....I usually let them avoid doing it more often than not.
I'm an all around person. I love my job, so I'm willing to do most anything. And since I've been at work long enough, I'm fine occasionally missing my own favorite tasks, in order to make their days a little brighter.

But occasionally. I'll use their likes, as a reward for doing stuff they don't like.

So, yesterday, I had in a particular coworker with me, who loves reptiles.
So anything that is involved with the creatures.
They're all over.

I was busy doing other tasks,
When our shipment of Reptiles came in.
My coworker hadn't seen them yet.
And there were still a couple other tasks to complete. Namely, opening up the back rooms that have animals in them.

These tasks, the coworker doesn't like to complete. For some reason, many coworkers don't like to do this back task. I enjoy it because it takes me away from customers.
But this day I had other things I needed to get done.

So I told my coworker, that if they completed the back rooms, I would let them put out the new reptiles.
And my coworker was like "Are you manipulating me?"
"Yep." I said with a smile. "You do this task for me, I let you do this."
"Ooo you're good."
And they went to do the tasks, before happily putting the reptiles away.

Like I said, I can sometimes use what people like, to make them do what they don't like to do.
Compromise, Manipulation, whatever you call it. At least things got done,
I got my coworker to do a task they don't like, just to keep them in the practice of doing it,
and also gave them a reward of doing what they do like. :)

Yay for both sides winning. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MLAARE -What Kinda Fish?

I was feeding the fish today at work, and there was a mother and her little girl nearby.
And the girl, who was looking avidly at the fish (like all young kids do)
Exclaimed: "Spider fish! There are spider fish!"
The mom responded with confusion, as she tried to figure out what her daughter was looking at.
"Oh. Those are crabs."
But I guess the child was young enough to think all things in the water were fish. Because the mother added "They're crab fish."
Crab fish....
Spider fish.
In actuality I liked Spider fish more. Its more fun to say. ^^
-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

MLAARE -Butterfly Nets

So there I was, at work.
Helping a customer get some goldfish for her tank.
I was fishing them out with a net.
And the little girl came up next to me -having heard like the whole conversation, and watched me catch a couple of fish for them already.
"What are you doing with that?" She asked referring to the net.
"Catching fish."
"With what?"
"A net...." I replied confused. Because....well she was watching me do that...
"Oh, a net? Why do you use that?"
"Because it helps me catch the fish." (I don't know how she thought I would catch the fish otherwise...with my bare hands? Especially since she saw me doing it just seconds before.)
"Oh! It's like a butterfly net! But you don't catch butterflies, you catch fish with it!"
"Yes." I said with a nod.

It's interesting how children's minds work. I wouldn't have equated a fish net with a butterfly net, but if she spends more time catching butterflies than fish, it totally makes sense. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 20, 2015

MLAARE - Rabbit Milk

I had a customer come into the store today, two big dogs in hand.
With an odd request.
He has a pet rabbit.
And she just had had babies....
that she was no longer feeding.

So worried, the customer called the store, asking if we carried milk for Rabbits.
And someone they talked to said that yes, we did.
That we had varieties for Rabbits, Chinchillas, and Ferrets.

I have no idea who they talked to.
They said a girl...
But...I was basically the only girl in the store with access to the phone....
And I was on break when he called.

But when he came in.
I was the one to help him.
And guess what?
Yah.....we don't have that sort of milk.
We carry milk replacer for kittens and for puppies,
but not for other animals.

I could tell that the customer was unhappy.
They'd just come all the way over here....for nothing.

So I went the extra mile.
Went and asked coworkers.
Searched around the store.

Nothing there.
As a last resort. I suggested that the customer could try and use kitten milk, or puppy milk.
But I wasn't sure how that would work with the rabbits....

Then an idea popped into my head....
Why not call our vet and see if they knew if we could use kitten/puppy milk for rabbits.

Turns out you can!
you need to add some things to it.

For kittens.
If you use the KMR brand you add in 2 parts kitten milk.
And then one part Multimilk.
Which sounds simple enough.

But upon asking where we could get multimilk.
It turns out it was difficult to find.
The vet had no idea where to get it either.

All hope seemed lost until they said that there was a different formula for the puppy milk.

Where it was
One part milk -no matter what the brand.
.25 part heavy cream.
and One part water.

So much easier to find those ingredients.

And so, the customer left happy.
Which was the goal.
I hate disappointing customers,
So when I can turn a bad situation into a better one.
That's the goal. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 19, 2015

MLAARE -When to Feed

So within our department we have a coworker, who is rather obsessed with the reptiles.
Especially the snakes.
They love to feed them, love to spend quality time holding them.
And can basically tune out everything else, or neglect other tasks in favor of caring for them.

Only....the care, it was felt, was a bit....stressful for the snakes.
Others had noticed that the snakes weren't eating as well, when this coworker was in charge of feeding them.

So we decided to switch things up a bit.
Change the snakes from being fed in the mornings, or on only one day, to throughout the week, in the evenings. So that they could have the whole night to digest their food without being stressed out by customers wanting to hold them.
And so that involved a different coworker being put in charge of the snakes.

Which, our first coworker did not like. And they tried to take every opportunity to feed the snakes when there was time. Even if they weren't scheduled to work a closing shift.
This coworker had even been told by the manager, to not feed the snakes unless they were put on a closing shift.

But....this coworker doesn't trust the actual coworker in charge of feeding the snakes.
Due to the isolated incident of feeding two snakes in the same cage.
Remember that? It had happened months ago. Hadn't happened again that I'm aware of.
And so wasn't a concern.

But for some reason, it was still a concern for this particular reptile obsessed coworker.
Which is odd, as I hadn't really heard it being a concern before a day or so ago.
Why hark back onto what was already discussed and fixed?

Obsessed coworker wanted to feed the snakes.

And I caught them this morning.
With a snake in the back, prepared to feed it.

So I asked them bluntly.
"What are you doing?"
"Feeding the snake."
"You're not supposed to be feeding the snakes now. The snakes are fed on the evening shifts.: (It was like 10am!! and guess what...other tasks hadn't been finished yet.)
"I know, but I don't trust that Coworker to do the job."
"Why not?"
"Because of when they put the two snakes in the cage, they're not supposed to do that."
"That was 6 months ago! And they haven't done it since!"
"I know but"

"But, the snake feedings are for Evening shifts only. Unless you are working a shift that starts after 3pm, you do not feed the snakes. And since it is still morning, you are not supposed to be doing this. It could mess up the snake's feeding schedule to feed them at the wrong time, it could stress them out. Besides. We feed them at night so they can relax without customers bothering them and digest their food."
"I hear you, I understand...but I already defrosted this mouse."
Silent exhale. We didn't want to waste mice after all... "Fine, feed the snake, but after this, no more. It's an evening shift thing only."
"I hear you."
And it seems like the coworker did. Because they opted out of feeding the snake. (I have no idea what happened to the thawed mouse they were going to feed the snake though...) And had like a minute later put the snake back into its cage to await the proper time for feeding.
When I asked them if they'd already fed the snake, they said they had not.
That they remembered that they also fed their own snakes when the coworker had them, at night, and that we really shouldn't throw off the schedule.

Ah. ^^
It's a good feeling to actually be able to get through to this coworker for once.
Often I feel like when I tell them things they go in one ear and out the other.

Hopefully our little talk will keep them from attempting to feed the snakes at other times in the future. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 18, 2015

MLAARE -Not Fully Evil

Sometimes animals are evil for a reason.

And while their actions may seem evil.
Its only because their acting out, is their way of communication.
To show that something isn't pleasing them.

And while the human may take a beating out of it....
If the problem is doesn't remain a problem.

So, what 'evil' creature did I encounter today?

Well, while opening, I noticed that our new Conure was being rather active.
Coming to the class. Wings mantled. Looking to people who passed by.

So I thought, perhaps he wanted to come out.
It would be rather fast for the Conure, we haven't had the bird out on the floor for long, not even a week yet.

I figured it didn't hurt to try.
And as I opened the door to the cage,
the Conure came right to the edge, and I put my hand up to see if he would get on.
He did.
But only after biting my hand. HARD.
Conures will use their mouths to get a good stable grip. Usually not painful.
These bites. Yikes. They left marks.

And his bites were hard enough that I couldn't hold him.
I ended up needing to grab a towel so he could sit on my hand without biting me painfully.
Only for him to move up to my arm and bite my arm. He actually managed a good grip.

Certainly, the most aggressive Conure I've seen in a long while.
Usually they're more timid fly away.
This one.
Oh. Could fit the evil mark so quickly.
Because he'd bite and bite and bite hard.

Who knew if that would stay or if he was just reacting to his new environment in a negative way.

But then as I went to grab his water bowl to change it out.
And saw that it was completely bone dry.
Bone dry.
I had the day off the day before.
And had put the bird into the cage the day before that. A cage that had been empty. That had had the water bowl in it already.
I'd assumed that the water bowl had been filled the first day...
It should have been changed out the second day.

Yet here it was.

So I filled up the water bowl.
Came back hours later.

And the Bird...
Had calmed down.
Was much less bity.

He was thirsty.

Not evil.
Just in need of a drink.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

MLAARE -The Sick Tank

So I've had this woman come into work, nearly every week. Sometimes I think it's more than once a week for the past few weeks. It's possible she comes in more often, only I'm not there to know that.

but she had a disaster where her big tank, a 60 gallon tank, ended up having her fish get sick.
And so she stuck them in a smaller sick tank, totally revamped her big tank, and is working to get it back up to 'healthy' standards.
Which means that she comes in every now and then to test her water to make sure that all is going well.
The first time she came in, her sick tank was a disaster. The water we tested showed high stress in the tank, which isn't surprising as she stuck fish into a tank 1/6th of the size they were used to to treat them all and get them better.

But her big tank was fine.
So slowly but surely, she's redone the tank, adding in new decorations, adding the fish back in, checking to make sure her fish are healthy the sick tanks are healthy.
Until both tanks looked great.

Crazy thing is, she likes to isolate the new fish before she sticks them in with her old fish.
It's not that odd I suppose....its good to ensure your fish are healthy before you stick them in with your healthy fish.

But she asked me how long she should keep them in the iso tank...
Really I had no idea....
So I said like a week or so.

We'll see how that goes....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

MLAARE -Electrocuted

So I may have nearly electrocuted work.

So we were gravel vacuuming.
and it wasn't working.
Because it had come apart.
Was spilling water all over the floor.

I went to try and push the 'hose' of water back through the opening.
and it came in contact with lights hidden in that same area.
And I felt a bit of a zap.
A zap again.

Finally I realized what was happening and pulled back.
It wasn't anything painful.
Just slightly tingly.

So weird, never had that happen before.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 15, 2015

MLAARE -Early Morning Shopper

So there it was.....
Basically two hours before the Main part of my store opened.
Me, busy, in the middle of doing my opening tasks.

When a customer approached me.
"Are you guys open?"
"No, we open in a couple hours."

-Guy had come before hours for the Vet which, along with Grooming, takes appointments two hours early.

"Oh," He said.
But then. "Do you know much about collars?"
O.o Did you not just process what I just said? That we're not open for a couple more hours?
"Depends on what you want to know, I'm not usually in that department."
"The reflective collars. Does the reflective part wear off?"
"If its Kong shouldn't it be better."
"Well yah."
"So will it wear off?"
"I don't know, it will last a while but you do have 60 days to return it."
(I halfway wonder if he only heard 'six' days. )
"That's not nearly enough time. What if it wears out?"
"I can't help you...they'll all wear out, but Kong is a good brand."
"Do you know anyone that will know more?"
>.< No....the store isn't OPEN YET SIR! "Sure...let me check and see."
I go find another person, and they were of my same mind. ....The store isn't open yet, why are we helping them? I mean...its one thing if its like half an hour before the store opens, but like two hours? Why? They didn't know much more about these collars either. Only knew that they were newer to the store.
So I returned with this information to the customer.
They weren't happy to hear that.
So I suggested that possibly someone would know more when the store opened...again in like two hours.
"Oh, I was hoping to buy a collar now."
"Well....we're not open yet." I reminded him again. I didn't even think that we'd booted up the registers yet. "But if you come back when the main store is open...I'm sure someone could help..."

And so the customer left...unhappy.
Leaving me unhappy and irritated.
I only have so much time before the store opens. And this customer had delayed me a good ten or so minutes in conversation.
Honestly....did he not comprehend that it wasn't opening yet? That we weren't open for business? How would he feel if he had a busy schedule at his own job, had much to do before his business opened for the day and a customer managed to get in early seeking to buy stuff before anything was prepped? Yah....
Irritating at all.
Hopefully he found the answers he was seeking....I didn't see him again, so I'll never know for sure.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 13, 2015

MLAARE -Babies?

It happens occasionally....
Like maybe once a year.

We accidentally get in a small furry creature of the wrong gender.... be it hamster, mouse, rat.....

And not notice it until much later....
Like when the 'male' hamster has babies....

That happened this week.

Apparently, about a week ago.
I sold a woman a hamster. A Fancy Bear Syrian to be more specific (black hamster that gets about 6 inches in length.)

And a couple of days ago, during the night.
This hamster....had babies.

This hamster....that was supposed to be a male because we only sell males to prevent breeding from happening....
Had babies....obviously making he a she.

It's crazy!

After all that time in the store....because it was a hamster that had been in our store for a little longer than usual....How did none of us notice?
Really, it's quite obvious with the Syrians how to tell the males from females....
Yet....none of us realized.
I didn't even realize and I was the one to sell the hamster!
*shakes head*
I guess its because its not something we usually have to worry about checking. They're males. Why would we ever think that one isn't a male when we only sale the boys? *shrugs*

Still. ^^ I wish I could see the little Syrian babies, they must be the cutest things ever! I hope they do well.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Friday, June 12, 2015

MLAARE -Lifting

I have to say that one of the fun parts of the job.
Is when I get to help customers out to their cars.
Usually because they have bought food/cat littler/other heavy objects that are too heavy for them to lift on their own.

It's rather amusing when they see me come up. Skinny thing that I am, to help them out.
As they are probably thinking "She can lift this?"
Yes...yes I can. ^^. Lots and lots of practice, and a knowledge of how to use the lever system to help me move items comes in handy as well.

But it's not just the fact that I can help out.
But that I can also go outside.
Breathe in the fresh air. Have the sunshine on my skin, or the cold rain hit my head depending on the weather. And just enjoy being outside for a moment.

It also is fun, because it's basically an act of service to help out the customers.
And they are often quite grateful for the help.

^^ Gotta love the warm fuzzies you get from helping someone.

It's definitely a boost to the step that's for sure. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 11, 2015

MLAARE -Pinchers and Stingers

It was a momentous occasion at work today.
One that I have not been looking forward to.

We're now carrying scorpions and tarantulas at my work.

Creepy creatures.
Ones that I do not wish to handle or look at or see. Let alone sell.

For a different coworker,
It was like Christmas Morning had come.
The news that our shipment of creatures had arrived had them lighting up with excitement.
Opening the box. More so.
For there was the scorpion, there was the tarantula.
And this coworker was right in there, picking up the creatures.
Face lit up like a kid in a candy store.
Talking excitedly, trying to get me to hold them.
Ha. Ha. No. Put the thing away and keep it away from me.

But for my coworker, it was the best day ever.
Because they're obsessed with scorpions. Have already owned them before as pets.
So to be able to have them in the store, practically a dream come true.

At least somebody in the store is excited. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

MLAARE -Goldfish Fishing

It's always slightly stressful.
When people call the store,
asking to see if we have certain animals, and how many of the animals we have in stock.
Most of the time it involves Goldfish. As people get the Feeders for a variety of reasons.
Because, we don't hold animals, or fish. Soo....the numbers we have at the time of the call won't be the same most likely when they people finally come in.

Usually if I'm the one to talk to the people, I do warn them that we may not have that many when they come in, as we do sell them.
Other coworkers....I don't think do so.

So today, a coworker of mine talked to a customer who wanted to get 75 goldfish.
It didn't seem like too much of a problem, because I'd just done a guesstamite on the fish in question, and knew we totally had more than that. Like 300 of the goldfish in question. Nothing to worry about. And if we somehow ran out of that particular size, we did have nearly the same amount of one size up. Still, the size they wanted had plenty, and the people would be in later in the afternoon to get them.

Nothing to worry about.
Until another customer came in.
Wanting 200 of that same size of goldfish.
()_() *gulp* Uh.....Would I have enough now? No idea.
I fished out the 200 and it still looked like I had 75....

But until the person showed up to get the fish,
I didn't know.

Thankfully....I did.
Whew. *shakes head*

Definitely was a close call though. I still had around 50 left in the tanks when I finally finished bagging up those fish....

But it just goes to show...
That this is why I warn people that the number we have now may not be the number we have later on....Because people can come in unexpectedly wanting large numbers of fish and totally wipe us out. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

MLAARE -The Computer Doesn't Know

I wonder how it went at work today.
Mostly because as a don't really expect it to get that busy.
Because Tuesdays are like the least busy day of the week.

Still....I would have scheduled to have more than three people work in my department today.
Yet for some reason the 'computer' called for only three people to work today.
Honestly....I think it's rather stupid to rely on a computer to detail how many people work when.
I mean, I know that there are all these computer schematics and such that show what happened on the same day last year....but that was LAST YEAR. Things change. Days that the computer calls for a lot of people end up being the slowest ever, days where there is only one person in the department at a time end up being overwhelming. The schematic can predict some things, but it's not correct all the time.
Seriously...why do we go by its rules? *shakes head*

Today was one of those 'busier than planned' days.
So my manager Turk thought. He just had a feeling you know?

Honestly....I won't know how busy it got until I go into work again.

But it didn't seem that busy to me.
I mean, it was busy when I left my shift.
But I was leaving just as the lunchtime rush was coming in.

Seriously, if the computer needs to figure out anything it's that there should be more than one person in the department during the lunch period. That's when we get swamped with people before the bigger evening rush. It happens without fail almost everyday that sometime between 12 and 2 that I'll get a rush of people and will be rushing back and forth barely keeping up with all the customers for at least an hour of that time period before it dies back down again.

In any case....busy or not busy....I'm just glad I didn't have to work longer than I did. Totally was in need of a nap by the time I got home.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 8, 2015

MLAARE -Practice Makes Faster

There comes a point in time when certain excuses are no longer valid to use.

This morning, I had my other opener do the cage cleaning of the day. Deciding to get the rest of the department open and to avoid having my coworker clean out the cats, which they take forever to do no matter how many cats there are.

So I had this coworker do the bedding change of the day. Thinking that it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours for them to get done. They should finish pretty soon after the store opened....

Unfortunately I forgot who I was working with.
Tasks always take longer than planned with this particular coworker.
Still...I did not think it would take them too long....

Three and a half hours later, nearly their entire shift.
They finally finished.

Not acceptable.

I reminded them that they needed to keep in mind that the bedding changes should only take two hours.
And their response was "I haven't done this in a while."
My comeback was "You've been working here a year." It really shouldn't matter how long its been since they've done the bedding change last. It should be engrained by now on what to do. It should be natural. I mean, there are times when I don't do the bedding changes for a while, and it doesn't slow me down when I get back to them.

>.< Personally, I think that they take forever because a) they don't like the task. and b) they're trying to avoid having to do other tasks.
Which in both cases is not good when it comes to getting the department open on time.

I often wonder why they're in my department in the first place. At least for the morning shifts, because this particular coworker doesn't seem to like to do most of the opening tasks.

And I can tell that they're trying to get out of doing particular tasks in the future.
Because they also added. "And I kept breaking things, which means I probably shouldn't be assigned to do this in the future."


It may mean more broken dishes. But if they're struggling to get a task completed quickly without breaking anything in the means they need to do the task more often. So that they can be comfortable with it.
Practice makes perfect.
Practice makes faster.

Practice practice practice.

Guess what Coworker,
You've just gotten yourself assigned to bedding changes whenever the time allows.

I also think, that if they try to make up excuses as to why they can't do anything.
My response has been "You've been here a year, coworker, you should be able to do it by now."

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 6, 2015

MLAARE -Decision Maker

O.o Sometimes I wonder at people.
Who leave it up to me with the choice of their pet.
I's not going to be my pet.
It's going to be theirs.
Shouldn't they be the ones making the decisions about it??
I mean, my tastes will not be the same as their tastes.
What I like or I think is pretty, they may not.

Yet, multiple times today.
I had that happen to me.

Twice it was with birds.
Two different customers were like:
"I want this type of bird." (one was zebra finches, the other parakeets.)
"Alright, which one do you want."
"Boy and Girl."

Easy enough if I only have one option.
but when there's a cage full of parakeets flying about in multiple different colors....
They really should be the ones to pick.....
Because likes may not be the same as their likes.
Your pet guys. Pick one you think is pretty and I'll tell you if it's a boy or girl and then you can go from there. Don't leave the choice up to me. *shakes head*

The other was a woman, who came into the store, looking for decorations for her new tank.
"Just pick some out for me, I'm in a hurry."
Uhh....again,'s going to be your tank you're staring at. And what I think looks cool you may not.....if you're in a hurry...grab things you like and go. Or come back when you're not in a hurry. Because honestly....what I choose you may not like.
I ended up collaborating with this customer, pointing out decorations and plants I liked.
And she yaying or naying them.

Really guys.... it's your animal your pets. I don't want you to end up hating them because of what I chose.
Sooo go ahead, make the decision on  your own as to which ones you want. So I can just get them for you and send you on your way. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 5, 2015

MLAARE -Baskets?

So there I was,
Bagging up some of our Aquatic Frogs for a customer.
But when I finished with the task....they'd wandered off to who knew where else in the store.
Not in the mood to go hunting, since I was technically supposed to be clocking out and I wanted to clock out sooner rather than later...

So when I spotted one of the sons of the woman I went up to him.
"Here's your frogs."
He gave me this deer in the headlights look.
Like a 'you want me to do what with this?'

Obviously I wanted him to take them. Hold them, so I wouldn't have too. But I noticed he already had things in his hands, so I asked him. "Do you want me to grab you a basket?"

Deer look.
"A basket?" He asked confused.
"Yah, a basket, to put the frogs and such in to make it easier to carry."
Deer look.
"I don't know what that is."

Blink don't know what a basket is? O.o Wha?? It's a thing you carry other things in.... Maybe he was thinking I was asking him if he wanted me to do something additional....put them in a basket display thingy or something.

"You know, like a cart." I said pointing behind him to another customer that had a cart that they were wheeling around. "Do you need a cart, a basket for these?"

Deer look.
"Let me go grab one for you." I said, as I had no idea how to explain to this kid (10-12 years old) what I was intending.

So I did. And handed him the basket. With him still looking kinda confused....
*shakes head*
Ah well.....they got up to the register eventually.... lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 4, 2015

MLAARE -Phone Numbers

It's funny, sometimes how people use us as a Phone Book.
More commonly we're used as a Dictionary for information about certain animals or food.
But the phone book....

I was just leaving work when we got a call from a customer.
Wanting to know the phone number of our Sister Store in the next city over.

Lucky them, I actually know the number because I call it every now and then for customers in my store to see if they have products that we're out of.

But honestly, I have to wonder.....
Why didn't they just look it up themselves?
I mean we have this nifty new thing called the Internet.
An even more nifty thing called Google that is the source of all answers.

Seriously....they had to have come by our phone number in some fashion.
It's not that much harder to find the sister store phone number.

*shakes head*
I mean, we don't even know the phone number for our store, how can they expect us to know the phone numbers of others? lol. 

Google is definitely your friend in that regard. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

MLAARE -Bags of Food

I had fun moving dog food today.

I had a couple of customers come into the store on behalf of a friend of those in search of Dog Food. A particular brand, a particular flavor.

Which isn't that difficult. I'd seen them in before, though I hadn't really had the opportunity to help them.
But I didn't realize just how much food they actually would be buying. And I was only there for the beginning of it.

When the gentleman came up to me asking if I was a manager. I said I wasn't, but I could try and help as the actual manager was busy helping customers at the register.

So the gentleman lead me up to his wife.
Who told me she was looking for *points to brand of food* This food, but that she need 15 bags of it.

Uhh... I had no idea if we would have that many bags. :S I mean, we're not a bulk store. We carry in smaller quantities because most people only buy like one or two bags at a time.
15? Ha....ha......heh.....:S

So I checked the endcap.
There were 3.
Sweet. Three bags.
I knew that we had more of that flavor on the aisle of the brand. So I went to check out how many were there. Expecting to only see three or four.
I was lucky and there were TEN bags of the food she was looking for.
so I had at least 13/15 bags.

But I also knew that we could possibly have other bags in the back that wouldn't fit on the shelf.
Unfortunately, it was much harder to get to the pallet because we'd just gotten our most recent shipment of goods in via truck. So all those pallets were blocking the overstock area.
Which meant I had fun squeezing inbetween the narrow alleyways searching for more bags.
More bags that I found!

To my surprise there was like 10 more bags of that same flavor in the size she needed there on a pallet! O.O
Who'd a thunk we'd have so many....
Thankfully I only needed to get two bags through the crevices of the new shipping pallets. It would have taken forever to move more of them out. :S

Ah. That was 'fun.'
Thankfully the customers were appreciative that I went the extra mile to find everything that they needed in the quantities they needed.


-Sarnic Dirchi