Monday, June 29, 2015

MLAARE -Another Job

You know those coworkers, who after a kinda just wish that they would quit?
Those who you don't look forward to being scheduled to be with them, because it just makes the day...more difficult than it should be?

Most work places have that one coworker.
That one who loves the job so much, that you know they're never going to quit.

Recently I've had to work with such a coworker.
Because of a second job, their hours shifted from them working opposite shifts from the same. It's been difficult....lots of patience has had to be used in order to work with them.

And my patience has finally been rewarded.

Because I got the news,
That this coworker has found another job (so a third?)
That requires them to work during the time they've normally been working with me.
And so, they've had to change their hours....

But that doesn't mean that they're once again working opposite shifts from me.
No, they still have the other job as well.

So they have two jobs....that take up their days....
So this coworker's availability, is now only for like...once a week.
Yes, they're still be working here...(but only once a week...who knows how long that will be for...)

Yet this is good news!
Because the one day they're able to work...
Is the day I usually have off.

Which means....If all goes well.
I will almost never see them.

That's one less stressor in my life, for which I am grateful.
I hope that they find their new job to their liking, its hard to believe that they actually went and found another job... I didn't even know they were looking for another job. O.o Go figure...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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