Thursday, June 18, 2015

MLAARE -Not Fully Evil

Sometimes animals are evil for a reason.

And while their actions may seem evil.
Its only because their acting out, is their way of communication.
To show that something isn't pleasing them.

And while the human may take a beating out of it....
If the problem is doesn't remain a problem.

So, what 'evil' creature did I encounter today?

Well, while opening, I noticed that our new Conure was being rather active.
Coming to the class. Wings mantled. Looking to people who passed by.

So I thought, perhaps he wanted to come out.
It would be rather fast for the Conure, we haven't had the bird out on the floor for long, not even a week yet.

I figured it didn't hurt to try.
And as I opened the door to the cage,
the Conure came right to the edge, and I put my hand up to see if he would get on.
He did.
But only after biting my hand. HARD.
Conures will use their mouths to get a good stable grip. Usually not painful.
These bites. Yikes. They left marks.

And his bites were hard enough that I couldn't hold him.
I ended up needing to grab a towel so he could sit on my hand without biting me painfully.
Only for him to move up to my arm and bite my arm. He actually managed a good grip.

Certainly, the most aggressive Conure I've seen in a long while.
Usually they're more timid fly away.
This one.
Oh. Could fit the evil mark so quickly.
Because he'd bite and bite and bite hard.

Who knew if that would stay or if he was just reacting to his new environment in a negative way.

But then as I went to grab his water bowl to change it out.
And saw that it was completely bone dry.
Bone dry.
I had the day off the day before.
And had put the bird into the cage the day before that. A cage that had been empty. That had had the water bowl in it already.
I'd assumed that the water bowl had been filled the first day...
It should have been changed out the second day.

Yet here it was.

So I filled up the water bowl.
Came back hours later.

And the Bird...
Had calmed down.
Was much less bity.

He was thirsty.

Not evil.
Just in need of a drink.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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