Saturday, June 13, 2015

MLAARE -Babies?

It happens occasionally....
Like maybe once a year.

We accidentally get in a small furry creature of the wrong gender.... be it hamster, mouse, rat.....

And not notice it until much later....
Like when the 'male' hamster has babies....

That happened this week.

Apparently, about a week ago.
I sold a woman a hamster. A Fancy Bear Syrian to be more specific (black hamster that gets about 6 inches in length.)

And a couple of days ago, during the night.
This hamster....had babies.

This hamster....that was supposed to be a male because we only sell males to prevent breeding from happening....
Had babies....obviously making he a she.

It's crazy!

After all that time in the store....because it was a hamster that had been in our store for a little longer than usual....How did none of us notice?
Really, it's quite obvious with the Syrians how to tell the males from females....
Yet....none of us realized.
I didn't even realize and I was the one to sell the hamster!
*shakes head*
I guess its because its not something we usually have to worry about checking. They're males. Why would we ever think that one isn't a male when we only sale the boys? *shrugs*

Still. ^^ I wish I could see the little Syrian babies, they must be the cutest things ever! I hope they do well.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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