Wednesday, June 17, 2015

MLAARE -The Sick Tank

So I've had this woman come into work, nearly every week. Sometimes I think it's more than once a week for the past few weeks. It's possible she comes in more often, only I'm not there to know that.

but she had a disaster where her big tank, a 60 gallon tank, ended up having her fish get sick.
And so she stuck them in a smaller sick tank, totally revamped her big tank, and is working to get it back up to 'healthy' standards.
Which means that she comes in every now and then to test her water to make sure that all is going well.
The first time she came in, her sick tank was a disaster. The water we tested showed high stress in the tank, which isn't surprising as she stuck fish into a tank 1/6th of the size they were used to to treat them all and get them better.

But her big tank was fine.
So slowly but surely, she's redone the tank, adding in new decorations, adding the fish back in, checking to make sure her fish are healthy the sick tanks are healthy.
Until both tanks looked great.

Crazy thing is, she likes to isolate the new fish before she sticks them in with her old fish.
It's not that odd I suppose....its good to ensure your fish are healthy before you stick them in with your healthy fish.

But she asked me how long she should keep them in the iso tank...
Really I had no idea....
So I said like a week or so.

We'll see how that goes....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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