Monday, June 8, 2015

MLAARE -Practice Makes Faster

There comes a point in time when certain excuses are no longer valid to use.

This morning, I had my other opener do the cage cleaning of the day. Deciding to get the rest of the department open and to avoid having my coworker clean out the cats, which they take forever to do no matter how many cats there are.

So I had this coworker do the bedding change of the day. Thinking that it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours for them to get done. They should finish pretty soon after the store opened....

Unfortunately I forgot who I was working with.
Tasks always take longer than planned with this particular coworker.
Still...I did not think it would take them too long....

Three and a half hours later, nearly their entire shift.
They finally finished.

Not acceptable.

I reminded them that they needed to keep in mind that the bedding changes should only take two hours.
And their response was "I haven't done this in a while."
My comeback was "You've been working here a year." It really shouldn't matter how long its been since they've done the bedding change last. It should be engrained by now on what to do. It should be natural. I mean, there are times when I don't do the bedding changes for a while, and it doesn't slow me down when I get back to them.

>.< Personally, I think that they take forever because a) they don't like the task. and b) they're trying to avoid having to do other tasks.
Which in both cases is not good when it comes to getting the department open on time.

I often wonder why they're in my department in the first place. At least for the morning shifts, because this particular coworker doesn't seem to like to do most of the opening tasks.

And I can tell that they're trying to get out of doing particular tasks in the future.
Because they also added. "And I kept breaking things, which means I probably shouldn't be assigned to do this in the future."


It may mean more broken dishes. But if they're struggling to get a task completed quickly without breaking anything in the means they need to do the task more often. So that they can be comfortable with it.
Practice makes perfect.
Practice makes faster.

Practice practice practice.

Guess what Coworker,
You've just gotten yourself assigned to bedding changes whenever the time allows.

I also think, that if they try to make up excuses as to why they can't do anything.
My response has been "You've been here a year, coworker, you should be able to do it by now."

-Sarnic Dirchi

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