Saturday, June 20, 2015

MLAARE - Rabbit Milk

I had a customer come into the store today, two big dogs in hand.
With an odd request.
He has a pet rabbit.
And she just had had babies....
that she was no longer feeding.

So worried, the customer called the store, asking if we carried milk for Rabbits.
And someone they talked to said that yes, we did.
That we had varieties for Rabbits, Chinchillas, and Ferrets.

I have no idea who they talked to.
They said a girl...
But...I was basically the only girl in the store with access to the phone....
And I was on break when he called.

But when he came in.
I was the one to help him.
And guess what?
Yah.....we don't have that sort of milk.
We carry milk replacer for kittens and for puppies,
but not for other animals.

I could tell that the customer was unhappy.
They'd just come all the way over here....for nothing.

So I went the extra mile.
Went and asked coworkers.
Searched around the store.

Nothing there.
As a last resort. I suggested that the customer could try and use kitten milk, or puppy milk.
But I wasn't sure how that would work with the rabbits....

Then an idea popped into my head....
Why not call our vet and see if they knew if we could use kitten/puppy milk for rabbits.

Turns out you can!
you need to add some things to it.

For kittens.
If you use the KMR brand you add in 2 parts kitten milk.
And then one part Multimilk.
Which sounds simple enough.

But upon asking where we could get multimilk.
It turns out it was difficult to find.
The vet had no idea where to get it either.

All hope seemed lost until they said that there was a different formula for the puppy milk.

Where it was
One part milk -no matter what the brand.
.25 part heavy cream.
and One part water.

So much easier to find those ingredients.

And so, the customer left happy.
Which was the goal.
I hate disappointing customers,
So when I can turn a bad situation into a better one.
That's the goal. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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