Wednesday, August 12, 2015

MLAARE -Headless

I was in the middle of feeding the reptiles.
When a couple of children happened by.
And stopped in front of the birds to look at them.

More specifically the Parakeets.
Which were rather mellow at that point in time.
Just sitting there, some of them sleeping.

And the little girl exclaimed:
"It's a headless bird!!"

I glance over to look as the other child tries to patiently explain that the bird was not headless, they just couldn't see the head right now, because of how it was sleeping.
Because the bird had turned its head to rest on its back, and at first glance the bird did look headless. Because you couldn't see the eyes or the beak....

But the first child would not hear it.
"It's a headless bird!"
She kept exclaiming over and over again.
No matter how many times the boy tried to tell her that it wasn't headless.
She wouldn't hear it.
It was headless and that was the end of it.

*shakes head*
The things children think.
At least I can confidently say that we don't sell headless birds at work. Jus tones that give off the appearance of being headless when they sleep.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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