Saturday, August 29, 2015

MLAARE -Prepackaged Nightmare

Sometimes I wonder if the people who ship us our bugs, take a random disliking to certain stores.
Like they purposely and knowingly send them more bugs than they know the store can handle.

I've been wondering that about our store.
If they've just gotten a vendetta against us for some reason.

You see,
One of our bug options at the store.
Is prepackaged crickets.

Crickets that come to us already nicely packaged up in a little container -they're live crickets- with their food and water and everything.

For those who want to grab a 'lunch box' for their reptilian friend.

Which is all fine and good.
Except most of them end up dying within the week.
Which means by the time the next shipment comes around.

The containers we haven't sold are full of dead bugs.
Not sellable.

We used to just toss those and write it off as a loss.
Now though, we take the time to refill their boxes of crickets with fresh ones.
Ones that we have in a loose container to bag up per customer request.

Which when you only have like six or seven boxes isn't a big deal.

But for the past couple of weeks.
They've been sending us a lot more prepackaged crickets.

Who knows.
But they're waaay too many.
Each box of prepackaged crickets we get in usually has like 12 containers inside.

And it used to be that they'd send us like 24 of each. Maybe 36 if we really needed them.
So that's like 3 boxes.
No big deal. three boxes total is fine.

The past couple of weeks though.
We've been getting EIGHT boxes.
At 12 containers per box.
That is basically 100 boxes of crickets!!!

Considering that our little rack area only has room for like...40 boxes...

That's waaaaaay over doing it.

Over doing the shipment.

For the past couple of weeks we've only managed to sell like 40 of them.
So if I'm constantly getting 100 boxes of crickets...
And we only sell like 40.
And most of them die off in a week if not sold.
that's a 60% loss.

And since we're now refilling up those boxes.
If we're only selling 40 and have 60 left.
(Okay so I had like 30 left this week.)
And we get in a 100 more AGAIN.
The number isn't going to get any smaller.
Unless we go crazy convincing all customers to go with the boxes.
We're going to be overrun again next week.
When the fesh shipment comes in.
And I have to dip into our loose cricket resources to make sure the prepackaged crickets can sell...

It's going to be a nightmare!

I mean 30 is like 3 boxes of crickets that I had left over last week.
And I got in 8 more this week.
So 11 boxes of crickets.
Aye. Aye. Aye.
We're doomed.

I half wonder if this is the final shove though.
That would be nice.
Because these prepackaged crickets have been on clearance -i.e. we shouldn't be carrying them anymore- for the past 6 months!
Did they have a ton at the warehouse?
Did they decide we were the only store now to get the overstock?

Who knows.

But we're receiving a ton,
And I can only hope that its the final shove before we stop carrying them for good.
Because that would be one less headache and time waster of our day if we didn't have to worry about ensuring those prepackaged crickets had enough crickets in them to sale.

One can only hope.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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