Friday, August 7, 2015

MLAARE -Open Doors

So, before the store opens.
Our doors at work are locked.
In order to keep people from wandering into where they don't belong as we move freight and clean cages and basically have the whole store a mess.
Its also for our safety too. As we know who is in the store and who isn't before we open our doors.

This morning.
I came in before the store opened, obviously to do my cleaning tasks.
So I rang the doorbell like normal.
Went to the doors.
And had a moment of surprise as they opened for me.
They aren't supposed to do that.
What crazy person would turn on the automatic doors before opening?!
So I turned to lock them.
Only to be stopped by a groomer.

And told some rather annoying news.

Our doors aren't going to be locked anymore.

A new policy has been implemented.
Which states that as soon as the Groomers come in for work, the doors to the main store have to be opened. To make it more convenient for our grooming customers to enter the store.

This wouldn't be a big deal.
The Grooming part of our store opens TWO HOURS before the main store opens!
That's two whole hours of work that we're still doing. We're still cleaning animal cages, cleaning the store, stocking shelves.
And now.
Our doors are going to be unlocked during that time period!

Sure. It means that we don't have to walk away from our tasks to go let grooming customers in.
But that also means that we can't keep customers out either.

They want us to "keep a better eye on the doors" to make sure no one who isn't supposed to enters. But seriously. Who has time for that? No one.
We're busy. We're not always in a position to be able to see the main doors!

It's like they expect customers to realize that we aren't open yet.

You'd think they'd be able to see our hours posted on the door.
"We're open from this time to this time."
But no.

It's not something they look for.
If the doors open automatically for them as they approach.
They assume that the store is open!!

It's going to be annoying.
A time waster in general
Because whenever we see a customer in the store we're going to have to stop them, and tell them. "Hey. We're not open yet. Our cashier won't be here until the store opens at this time."

I already had to do that today! Like half an hour before the store opened!
And the customer was like O.o "Why are your doors open then?"
Oh. So frustrating!
Because we have to let our grooming customers in. Apparently >.<

Now. I have to worry about people randomly being where they're not supposed to be.
Now. I have to warn people that "Hey, we have a fork lift out and about and you really shouldn't be in here because we are not open yet!"

And I'm sure people are going to get mad at us.
Though I really don't understand why they should.
Would they want to help people at their work if their work didn't open until a certain time and people showed up early? NO.
So why do you expect us to!

Learn the hours to the store!

But seriously.
Its a stupid new policy.
Is it worth it to make it easier for people to enter our store?
It helps like...maybe 100 people at the most in a week.

Is it worth it to risk customer safety if they're wandering around and a fork lift turns a corner and BAM hits them?
Is it worth it to risk the safety of your workers? The doors locked are supposed to help us stay safe after all. No random people can walk in. We can work in peace.
But no.
Whoever came up with this stupid rule obviously has never worked a morning shift before.
Hasn't had to deal with customers in the morning who can't read door signs.
Probably hasn't even stepped foot in a Starsmet in their life to work!
Why fix what isn't broken?

-Sarnic Dirchi

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