Monday, August 31, 2015

MRS -Amazing Roommate

It's been no secret that I've wanted to leave my apartment complex.It was well known that as soon as my contract would be up, I would be out of there faster than a bullet from a gun.
Because the place....just wasn't working for me.
I'd had horrible roommates, that I could barely talk to, and hardly socialize with.

But for some reason...
Things didn't work out the way I wanted them to.
I wanted to move out.
Desperately so. The apartment complex was closing in on me.

But things weren't working.
Me and my two friends from High School wanted to move in together into an apartment.
But every place we found...we either didn't like, wasn't in their price range, or got sold out before we could put in an application.

Everything was so hard.
So difficult.
nothing was working out.
And the deadline for me to move out was drawing nearer... :S

So finally, in a final act of desperation, I suggested that we just stayed in my current apartment complex. As I was pretty sure I could still renew my contract. And it was in their price range and a location that they liked.

So I made the sacrifice.

And lo and behold.
Things worked out.
Freakishly well. (God's hand in this obviously.)
Because within 24 hours we were set. We had the apartment, we'd all be living together.
And best yet. I would be able to stay roommates with my Amazing Roommate!
A roommate who moved in a semester before my contract was up. A roommate that began to turn the whole horrible apartment experience around. So that it actually wasn't so bad, because I had her with me. Because she would talk to me. Because she would do things with me.
It was Amazing.
And I had been saddened that I wasn't going to be able to live with her when I moved out.
Now that I wasn't moving out, I could still be her roommate!!

Which is a surefire blessing for me.
Because she's been the constant sunlight in my life.

Because I'm pretty sure if me and my two friends had managed to find a 3 bedroom apartment with just us three....
I'd be going crazy.
From isolation.
From loneliness.
From feeling left out.
Because they bond much better with each other than they do with me.

But with my Amazing Roommate here...
Oh. It's so much better.
I have someone that I too can bond with, laugh with, talk for hours with without it feeling like a forced conversation.

For some reason or another I'm meant to stay at my current apartment complex.
One of them for sure is the fact that I have my Amazing Roommate as my Roommate.

I have no idea what I'd be doing now without her here to keep me from going crazy. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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