Thursday, August 6, 2015

MLAARE -Long Hours

I overheard the Managers talking.

A bunch of price changes had come in that morning. Only discovered in the afternoon.
And we hadn't been given the hours to schedule people to do these price changes.
And there were a lot!
My department alone had like 900 price changes at least! I swear there had to be like 40 pages of stickers to fix so customers wouldn't be surprised at the register at why their purchase cost more than what they thought they did.
Because it felt like every item in the department went up in price. Y_Y Not good. Rather annoying.

So, the managers were lamenting the fact that they couldn't call anyone in to put these new sticker prices up.
Since I was already there....
I asked them.
"How many hours do I have?"
"Do you want more?"
I checked the schedule to see how many I was scheduled.
And I was nearly at my full limit. Like half an hour under.
And I told them that.
"So you get over time." Was their response.
So I told them that I could stay later after my shift and help them with stickers.
For 2 1/2 hours I moved through the department, replacing prices.

By the end.
I was exhausted.
I spent 11 hours at the store.

Basically all of it on my feet.
I was asleep on my feet.

oh. Long days of work. I'm glad I don't have it often.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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