Monday, August 24, 2015

MLAARE -Stay. No I mean it. Stay!

Its frustrating sometimes when customers can't follow simple directions.
You'd think "Stay here." Would be easy to understand.
But its not.
The customer doesn't stay.
They wander.
They leave.
They make me go through a lot of effort sometimes for nothing because they can't wait for me to search out the answer, and then make me search them out when I do find the answer.

Today for example.
I had a gentleman come up to me asking if we were getting rid of one of our brands of dog food.
O.o Uh... No?
Considering that it the brand he was talking about was the store's own brand (meaning we are the only store to carry that food.) It was highly unlikely that we'd be getting rid of it.
But he wanted to know if we were.
Because the food he wanted wasn't on the shelf in the larger bag.
And he could only find one bag of the smaller bag.

Well...sir, we aren't a conveyor belt.
We don't always have supplies on hand to pull out more if we run out on the shelves.
I told him so. That we probably hadn't yet gotten our truck in to stock up on the food yet. That it had just arrived and we wouldn't be stocking until tomorrow.
But I told him I'd go double check in the back, if he'd wait here, and see if we happened to have any back there.

Usually the 'wait here.' is a code for "Quit bugging me for a minute so I can go find your product."
He apparently didn't understand the "I can search faster without you talking to me." concept.
Because he followed me right into the back of the store.
Right into our back room area, where customers aren't allowed.
And I told him "You can't be back here."
And he was like O.o "Why?"
Because it's an employee's area only sir! We have food and boxes and pallets and stuff all over the place because its a storage room. Even though there is no door there, customers know not to go back there!! Why can't you understand that!
"Because it can be dangerous back here sir." I said as I clambered all over everything.
Honestly. It can be and we really rather would not get sued by your carelessness in an area you're not supposed to be in.

Frankly I find it irritating sometimes when the customer doesn't trust me to be able to find something without them right there breathing down my neck.
Don't follow me unless I say to follow me! If I say wait here. I really do mean wait here.
I thought this gentleman had just moved out of the non customer area.
But when I came out with another bag of dog food (the smaller size as we didn't have the larger.)
He wasn't there.
I had to search the entire store to find him....up at the checkout stand.
What. You couldn't wait for me to answer your question befor eyou decided to leave?!?
So frustrating when the customer doesn't stay put.
It's not always easy to find them again, especially if you weren't paying attention towho you were talking to. >.<
Thankfully we got it sorted out.
Found out that the supplier is having trouble sending us food...but otherwise, we will be getting more of that brand in. No need to panic and switch to a different brand.... *sighs*

They should take obedience classes....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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