Friday, August 28, 2015

MLAARE -Continuing Cat Bath

I was right.
about the cat customer.
I was right,
That she was going to be a handful to deal with when she came in.

So, after a night,
Where I spent worrying that the people who wanted to get the black cat.
Were actually getting it to sacrifice it during the full moon.
(Because I have heard of that happening before.)
And that I'd have to think of ways to convince them that this cat wasn't for them....

I happened to be showing a young family one of our other cats,
When this woman walked in.
(After the deadline I gave her last night, mind you, so I'd taken down the sign saying this cat was on hold.)
She was older, grandmotherly.
And guess who she was looking at?
The black cat.
She asked to see her,
but I had to finish with another customer first.
Because I can only have one cat out at a time.

Finally though, I got out the cat for the woman to hold.
And the first thing she exclaims is "Wow! This cat sheds a lot!"
And my response was 1. It's a Long Haired kitty. Of course she is going to shed!
2. It's the changing of the seasons so they're going to shed more then as well.
3. She hasn't been combed out in at least a week or so because we don't have time to do that in the store. So once she gets a nice thorough brushing, the shedding won't be as much -so long as she keeps up a weekly combing thing.

The woman had tons of questions about the cat.
Many which I could not answer.
So I ended up giving her the number to the Adoption Group. Because they know more about the kitty's personality than I do. Especially since the cat has only been in our a week. You don't know for sure their personalities in the first week. But I had her call them (and she spent like 15 minutes on the phone talking to them.) to have them answer any questions she had.

But another,
Was that she wanted the cat all nice and clean and deshedded before she adopted out the cat.
And asked if our Groomers could do that.
I said only a couple of groomers were able to groom cats, the others were dog only groomers. So if one of our cat groomers was present, then we'd see what we could do.

-She was getting the cat for her granddaughter for her birthday btw. So no crazy rituals (beyond crazy birthday celebration stuff I suppose...)

Luck was on the customer's side,
Because one of our Groomers Sila was in fact there. -She's been grooming cats for years.
And so we asked what could be done.
And so the Sila quoted a price for what needed to be done -bath, drying, brushing, cleaning. etc.

Which the customer was fine with doing.

But also. I learned an interesting tidbit.
Indoor cats shed a lot more than out door cats.
Because outdoor cats have the sun and temperature changes that tell them when the seasons are changing. But with indoor cats and their artificial light and set temperature settings...their coats don't know 'what season it is' and so shed more frequently because of it.
Go figure. O.o

In any case.
Back to the customer.
so we established a groom could be done,
and I had them start the paperwork.
But they had to leave to go to a thing.
So they were going to finish the paperwork, pay for the grooming, and finish the adoption process.....

But I have no idea if they actually came back.
Because I left before the came back.
Which is....rather hard, because I knew the situation best. It means that something is more likely to go wrong because I had to hand it off to someone else to deal with. *sighs*
Hopefully it was all sorted out alright.
Hopefully the cat was adopted, and the granddaughter is happy with her new pet. :)

Guess we'll see when I get back to work....I'm guessing it all worked out.
I just hate it when I don't know the ending of certain stories.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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