Friday, August 21, 2015

MLAARE -Dust and Feathers

We were in the middle of receiving in our new animals into the store.
I was inspecting them, to make sure they looked healthy enough to be received by us.

We'd gotten to the Dumbo Rats, and the guy picked up the last one...
And the rat freaked out.
Like it went all spastic, squeaking, rushing around.
The handler couldn't keep a hold on it.
And the rat managed to get out of the box, onto the floor, rushing around.
(Don't worry we were in a contained room where it couldn't escape into the main store. O.o that would have been a nightmare.)

We couldn't get a hold of it,
And the rat slipped under a rack of bird cages we had back there.
A narrow space.
Making it hard to reach in and grab the terrified creature out.

I took over before the guy could move,
Going to my stomach, with a net in hand, I spent like five or so minutes fishing around, before finally I pulled the now dusty feather covered rat out and got him into his temporary cage.

Before I dusted my own feather covered dusty self off as well.

And the guy was like
"Wow, you're not afraid of getting dirty are you?"

I had to laugh.
I mean....I work in a pet store!
Dirty is part of the game here.
When you work with animals, there are bound to be messes.
Not comfortable with shouldn't be in a pet store.
So I answered "Nope, I'm not." :) lol.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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