Monday, August 17, 2015

MLAARE -Old Coworker Problems

I had an old coworker come into the store today.
A coworker that I really wished to never see again.
Because nobody in the store liked her when she worked here.
Because she was snobby. Because she complained. Because she was annoying.
Basically....she wasn't a good fit for our store at all.
And it was a serious relief when she left the store for a different job.
(Not to mention...she shared my name which equals an almost automatic dislike in my book -yes I'm weird like that.)

In any case.
She came into the store today.
Because she wanted to get a bearded dragon.
Who knows why she decided on that pet.
But decide on that pet she did.
And she was basically to that point where she was pricing things.
Saying that she could get certain things for less at another place, and she would get the cage first and then she would come get the bearded dragon later.
-I halfway think she was trying to get me to come down in price to get her to buy from our store instead of some other place....which is weird...because we don't do that. And she should know that because she used to work here!

In any case.
It was a surprise when she came back a while later.
With husband in tow. (O.o when did she get married?)
To do what?
Buy a cage here.
And a bearded dragon.

No idea what changed her mind on that whole waiting thing.
But she didn't make the process easy.
Asking all these questions about cages, whether it was better to get one size or another to get a kit or get it all separate. blah blah blah. And when she finally decided on a cage...she then was like "Hey aren't there coupons for this particular product." and I was like O.o No?
(Funny thing is that if she'd come on Saturday we had had one day coupons that would have gotten her half off a reptile and half off a cage...but that was Saturday, not today.)
But I offered to go double check.
Guess what? No coupons.
So I told her that.
And she was like "Don't you guys give away a coupon book when you buy a pet and a cage?"
And I was like. "'re probably thinking of the booklet we give away when you adopt a cat and dog, but that's just for cats and dogs."
Now that I think about it, every now and then we occasionally have coupon books for when you buy another animal that gives you discounts, but unfortunately for her, we weren't doing that sort of thing right now.

It was...rather annoying to have to deal with her. To explain everything to her, when I know she knew a lot of it already at one point. *shakes head*
But what really bugs me is that she was trying to get a deal at every turn it seemed like.
Telling the cashier that she could switch out one type of bedding for another at no additional cost (un true.) Among other she was returning a bunch of items she bought as well!! O.o So. Confusing.

I was so so very relieved when she finally left the store.
But I can only imagine that she will be one of 'those' customers.
That is going to come in everyday for a week to pester us with questions and concerns and exchanges and who knows what else. She's going to make it so we groan when she walks in the door. I can just see it now. Really, I hope I'm wrong. I'd rather not see her again....but I guess we'll see how it goes.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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