Wednesday, November 18, 2015

MLAARE -Gone Gone Gone

Today was not a good day at work,
At least animal wise.

We lost a ton of animals this week.
Not a 'ton' per say.
But a good handful more than normal.
And its unfortunate because over half of these animals were over the $50 range.
Which means...
Yah, a hit to us.

I'm not even sure if all these animals ended up dying...or if some accidentally (or on purpose) left the store without being paid for.

I'll probably never know.

Its rather depressing.
Especially when you find a reptile you just got into the store the day before.
Somehow it had gotten squished underneath a decoration.
I'm not even sure how he managed to be squished!
The decoration didn't even appear to be that heavy!
Yet there he was, as flat as a pancake.

But pretty typical.
 I mean, I was gone from the store for nearly a week.
Which means I usually come back to chaos.

So, 'chaos' in store. Check.

Hopefully things calm down a bit before next week's craziness with all the sells.
We'll see. We'll see.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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