Tuesday, November 3, 2015

MLAARE -Wounded Hand

Working in a Pet Store has its hazards.
I mean you deal with animals all the time.
Creatures with teeth, claws, beaks....

Which means that injuries can happen.
Especially if you're not being careful.

What stinks though...
Is when the injuries happen in areas that well...you just can't stick a bandaid on it and continue on.

like the hand....
The dominate hand. >.<

So today, I was letting some people hold a cat that they were going to adopt.
After they were done, I put the cat back in the cage.
But as he was jumping back inside.
His back foot caught my hand.
Claw digging into the skin.
Drawing blood (totally an accident on the cats part.)
Right between my thumb and pointer finger.

I didn't think it was a big deal at first.
Grabbed a bandaid.
Continued on with my work.

Only its hard to continue on with your work when the bandaid is right there.
Where your hands are constantly grabbing, twisting, pulling.

Band aids don't like to stay put in high flexible areas.
I went through three!!

Because I was stocking today, moving bags of product all around.
I was catching fish for customers. And considering it was my dominate hand...yah...band aid got wet.
Because its easy for the hand to get wet when fish and water are involved.

But I couldn't just take the band aid because I was still bleeding!
I went through like 3 band aids.
Ended up having to tape the last one on to keep it on for the last hour.

Needless to say.
I'm glad its stopped bleeding now.
Scabbed up.

Not sure how well its going to do tomorrow.
We'll find out. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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