Saturday, November 28, 2015

MLAARE -Sick Bird

I was called up to the register this morning, by the cashier.
Why? Because there was a customer there that had a concern.

What was her concern?
That we had a sick bird.
And that we needed to isolate it and put it on antibiotics right away.

The problem with birds....
Is that they don't show that they're sick....until they're basically on deaths door.
I've had alot of experience with sick birds.
And usually, if they look sick....they're usually dead within twenty four hours.

Yah. So putting it on antibiotics....if this bird was sick...
More than likely would be pointless.
Even if I could get it to the vet the same day...more than likely it wouldn't help the bird.
And considering that its a holiday weekend...the vets are less than likely to be open.

I would do what I could.
If the bird was sick, I'd do what I could do under the circumstances.

Of course, I didn't let the customer know all this.
As they seemed rather knowledgeable about their birds and antibiotics.

So the customer showed me the bird.
And at first look,
It did have that sick look to it.
Puffed up.
Eyes closed.

Definitely looked sick.

So I went inside to catch the bird.
So I could isolate it.

It flew around rather easily.
And once I pulled the bird out of the cage.
He looked pretty normal to me.
Eyes open.
Looking about.
Not puffed up.

And as I walked out of the enclosure with him in hand.
The customer was like "Oh, he didn't look so sick when he was flying around."
I nodded in agreement.
But told the customer "I'm going to isolate him and observe him for a few days." anyways.
Just in case.
To observe him.

And ensure that he is actually as healthy as he appeared this morning.

We'll see how it turns out.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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