Friday, November 20, 2015

MLAARE -One Mistake

I apparently 'made a mistake' today.
The first one that my head manager has seen me make in 11 months.

Though its not totally true.
As what was involved was.
That we hadn't yet received in shipments of supplies we needed.
Namely containers to put the animals in for the customers to take home.

And a couple of weeks ago, I had filled out an order form to order those supplies.
but had left it up to a manager to actually do the ordering.
As I'm not a manager, and therefore those weren't my duties.
Technically I'm not supposed to be filling out forms either, but we've been a manager short for a while.

In any case.
Apparently I had written down that we needed to order a certain sku.
And it was the wrong sku.

Which meant that we didn't get what we had ordered.

So apparently, it was my fault.
And my head manager took great delight in telling me that.
*shakes head*
That I'm not 'perfect.'
I never said I was, lol.

Though I really don't think it was my fault.
I mean the manager who ordered the supplies,
Has ordered those supplies before.
Many many many times.
So he should have realized that I'd written the number of the wrong line.

But at least we have the mistake figured out,
And we're getting in that needed supply order.
Hopefully before the crazy of Black Friday begins.

I can still see my head manager bringing up this 'mistake' for the next week or so.
We'll see if he does or not.

*shakes head*
Why is it that the bad is more easily remembered than the good??

-Sarnic Dirchi

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