Thursday, November 19, 2015

MLAARE -Surviving Crickets

I was nearly off my shift.
Just doing one more roundabout in my department to check and see if there was anyone who needed help before I would go clock out for the day.

It so happens that there was a person needing help.
A woman,
Waiting by the crickets.
Wanting to get some crickets.

But not just a regular 24 or 36 or even 72.

No, she wanted 300-400 crickets.

Three hundred to four hundred crickets! O.o What?!

And she wasn't in the best of moods.
Because apparently earlier in the week,
She came in and got 300 crickets.
And by the time she and her husband got home.
Over half of them were already dead.

So obviously it was whichever coworker's fault that they all died.
That they were obviously not careful when counting out the crickets.
And gave her dead ones, or almost dead ones.

But there are so many factors with crickets that could cause them to die.
Too many in a bag.
Too small or big of a bag.
The shipment that came in could have been too hot, or more than likely too cold.
They could have left the crickets in the bag too long.
They could have left the crickets in the car and let them get too cold.

Seriously, there are many many different reasons as to why the crickets didn't make it.
But its doubtful that my coworkers put dead crickets in there in the first place.

In any case.
The 300 crickets of the past were of the past.
She wanted that many more.
*shakes head*
Not sure why you would need that many at a time. So rare to get that many.
But I ended up bagging her up 400 crickets.
Doing a hundred in four different bags.

And sent that customer on her merry way.
Hopefully this batch lasts longer than her previous set.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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