Thursday, November 5, 2015

MLAARE -Racing Goals

When I came into work this morning,
The manager on duty had a goal for us.
For the entire store really.

Which at that point in time,
The only people in the store were the stockers, and my department.

The manager wanted us all to be done with our tasks by the time the store opened.
Me and my opener with opening the dept.
The stockers with unloading the truck.

Not a problem for my department..if....
"Does finishing 'opening' include fish, or not?" I asked.

Because if we had to have all the tasks related to the fish done by opening...
Ha. Yah... in your dreams. That goal would not be met.

But good news.
"No, just all the other animals need to be opened up by the time the store opens."


We had this in the bag. lol

Its one of those goals really...that was pointless to make lol.
I know how to get the dept open by opening.
The stockers on the other hand...yah with unloading truck...not so much.

My department won by  a landslide. lol.

I had my opener clean the cages today, and she got done by nine.
I did everything else (besides fish.) and managed to do a couple of extra tasks as well before opening.
We were in good shape.

Yay for goals and meeting them!! :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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