Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cat Fight

*rubs temples*

What a nightmare.

In our store we have a space set up where our adoption partners can bring in cats so they can find a forever home.

Because we have a limited amount of cages, we tend to switch between our two groups every month.
So Group A gets the cages for a month then they take the cats out and Group B will bring in their cats for a month before the cycle repeats.

It's not an easy process.
For one. Group A and B are like Cats and Dogs to each other.
They don't like each other.
At all.

Especially since Group A often has trouble pulling their cats out of the store on time so Group B can bring in their cats on time.
And Group B's leader...well...the leader can be quite....angry.
Honestly, I don't like dealing with Group B's leader. They've gotten more and more difficult to work with. Mostly because they're not understanding and keep putting down the other group....

All in all its a headache to deal with them everytime we do the switch.

Honestly, it would be easier if they would just share the space and each take half the cages.
But Group B is all against that because they don't want 'their cats getting our cats sick." yadda yadda.

And tonight...
Tonight the headache continued.
*shakes head*

We were supposed to have Group A pull out their cats tonight so that Group B could bring in theirs.
Group A in their hurry to drive 3 hours to get to us, and bring dogs for a dog adoption day....
Forgot their cages.

We tried to contact Group B. (and by we I mean the manager)
But they didn't respond...
So Group A was given the okay to stay a bit longer. Until the next time their leader would make it up.

But then.
AFTER that group had left for the day.
Group B finally got back in contact with us.
And they're unsurprisingly Furious that Group A is staying longer.
(as it happens basically every other time.)

As they have cats all ready to come to the store.
And now no where to place them.

....which I find odd. How can you have no place for the cats if you're in charge of the cats?
I mean they have to be fixed and vaccinated before they can come to our where are they staying while that is taking place?
 *shakes head*

In any case.
somehow it ended up being...
That we needed to move All of Group A's cats into Half of the cages.
So that Group B could come in and try and put their cats in the other half left over.

Which would be simple.
If cats got along together.

But they don't.

We tried. And tried. And tried.
But the cats weren't having it.
We only managed to empty out two of the five cages we needed to empty. Y_Y ugh.
Because the other cats wouldn't play nice.

But with the adoption group coming.
We had to do something to provide space.

I'm not quite sure what ended up happening as I had to leave as the plan was coming together.
But I believe we're taking the dog crates that the adoptions use when they bring dogs in, and we're going to stick them on top of the cages we already have, and place some of Group A's cats in there.
Until Group A can come pick them up.

It's a headache.
For sure.

I don't know if we're even allowed to set up cages like that. But because of the's what we had to do.

I really hope we don't get into trouble for it.
*shakes head*

I really hope that we suddenly had six people come and want to adopt cats so we wouldn't have to worry about it.
That would be nice.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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