Monday, March 20, 2017

Stuck On Register

It had been supposed to be for only a few minutes.
Me covering the register.

Because my coworker was off and needed to leave.
While my manager was busy dealing with a customer who was having some sort of issue with some harness.
And my other manager was on their lunch break.

Leaving me to be the only one who could cover the register at that moment for my coworker.
I had expected it to be on for a little bit.
Because surely there was someone else who was supposed to be coming in to take over for my coworker.
-As I wasn't scheduled to be on register, but in my department.

Turns out...
There was an hour gap between coworkers.
Where the managers were supposed to be the ones on the register.

It didn't work out that way.

It took my manager (the one not on break) a good amount of time to help that customer with the harness issue.
And in the meantime I had a line forming both in my department and at the register.

Because I couldn't leave the register,
My department suffered with customers constantly coming up to me asking if anyone was available to help.
And I had to tell them that there were only two of us in the store currently and that I would send my manager over to my department as quickly as possible.

Which he did manage to do, where he got stuck for a bit helping all the customers who were waiting over there.
While the line of customers waiting to check out kept getting longer and longer.

Eventually I had to recourse to calling on one of the groomers in the salon to come back me up. Because I wasn't going to be getting help otherwise.
And this lunch rush line was just getting longer.

Thankfully she was able to help.
And my manager was able to escape from my department to also jump onto the register.
Where the three of us were busy for like another 15 minutes straight helping customers.
While my manager who had been on lunch finally returned and went to help more customers in my department.

And before I knew it.
....I'd been at the register for an hour.
Helping customers the entire time.

*shakes head*
I wasn't even able to get all the things in my department done because I got stuck on the register for an hour.
So you can imagine how grateful I was to see the 'replacement' crew coming in for both register and department because by that point.
I was totally ready to go home.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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