Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The More You Know

I had a customer come into the store today, looking to buy fish.
Like most customers I help do.

Only this particular exchange was rather....humorous.
As basically everything I told this customer was met with surprise.
The. "Oh! I didn't know that! I thought this!" sort of responses.

It started with me/my coworker telling her why having a goldfish in a bowl was a bad idea.
Because they can get ten inches long if you take care of them right. Hence why they don't live long in bowls.
She was amazed. "Ten inches?"
Yes. Ten inches.
(Most people are surprised by this. Also they're surprised that goldfish can actually live at least 10 years...again because most people keep them in a bowl...and they're known as fish that 'don't live that long.' )

The length of the goldfish soon transitioned into how big all the other fish get.
"Where are the fish that are full grown?" She asked.
"We don't have any."
"All our fish are babies. We don't carry bigger."

Which lead to. "How long are the fish in these tanks?"
lol. Again. I was greeted with surprise when I told her that most of the fish are sold within a week or two of arriving to the store.
-There will be the outlier fish that sit around for months before getting sold, but for the most part...a week or two. Hence why we get weekly shipments of fish in.
Because if we didn't...we'd basically be out of fish by the end of week two. lol.
"That many people buy fish?!" Was her next statement.
Because yah...if you think about it....it's a ton of fish that we sell on a weekly basis.
I mean, if you place at least 30 fish in each tank, and we have like 75 tanks....
It equals to a ton of fish. lol. Especially considering we can sell anywhere from 25% to 75% of the fish in the tank in a week. -depending on customers and sales and such.0

Honestly, once the store opens. 95% of the time, my job with customers is catching fish. (or crickets. they're neck and neck)

My store also has a wide....service range?
I mean we can get people driving hundreds of miles away to come to our store.
Plus we're in the middle of college town, where students are constantly moving in and out of the area....so it makes sense that my store goes through fish pretty quickly. lol.

All in all.
It was a day of surprising information for this customer.
To find out that we don't get in adult fish, that our fish sell within a week or two, to learn that almost all the fish need a filter, that people come from hours away to buy fish, that most of my job is catching fish for customers....
It can be quite heady stuff lol.

But hey, now the customer knows. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

But I think our customer left

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