Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Stressed Cat

I hate early morning phone calls. The ones that take place before we're officially open.
Honestly, why are people even awake at that hour to call the pet store? *shakes head*

In any case.
Today's morning customer.
Was calling in regards to her cat.

Which had me automatically wondering if she needed to be put in contact with the groomers or the vet for an appointment and had ended up calling the wrong department.
Or...I wondered if she was looking to give up her cat.

I was wrong on those accounts.

No, she was calling because she had given the cat to her son for his new apartment a couple of days ago.
And last night the cat had 'gone wild' and ran into a door and scratched her son.

So she wanted to know if there was anything to 'fix' her cat that suddenly went demonic.

It was so frustrating really, this conversation.
Because the woman wasn't listening to me when I tried to say what could possibly be wrong.

But overall I believe the cat acted out because he's stressed.
It doesn't matter if the cat knows the son and knows the roommate.
You took the cat from his home territory with the familiar scents and sounds and people.
And placed him in an apartment that is 'brand new' -the son is the first tenant.

Of course he's going to freak out.
It's all NEW. The only familiar thing would be the son and his friend.

It took like twelve repeats to convince the customer to give the cat a couple of weeks to adjust first before freaking out about this 'new behavior'

Such a frustrating conversation. So. Much. Frustration.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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