Saturday, March 11, 2017

Flying Free

I do have to wonder what goes on in the store when I'm not at work.
Because when I call into work the next morning....
And see that one of our $350 birds is flying around loose in the store....

Obviously something happened and whichever coworker was involved in the bird's probably not having a good day. :S

It's deepens into a further mystery when no one who worked the shift the day before....knows what happened. So you get a timeline of how long the bird was in the cage still as people report it still being there when they get off their shift...

Until finally.
Finally I find a coworker who knows the story.

*shakes head*

What happened?
Our greenie coworker had been left alone to close down my department.
And they had only closed once before, and therefore....had no idea what they were doing.
Cue. Our next newest greenie who was there in a different department, stepping in to show the newest one the ropes.

So both my coworkers walked into a bird enclosure.
And greenie coworker shuts the door.
Inspiring less-than-green coworker to open up the bird cage to work on handling the bird.
Because they want to tame down said bird and get them used to being handled.

Greenie coworker forgot to latch the door.
So while the bird was out of it's cage, but in the enclosure....
The door fell open.
The bird somehow got loose from less-than-green coworker's grasp.
And due to it being in our store for basically the whole's clipped wings were no longer clipped.
So off it took.
Up into the air.
Twenty feet above us.
To hang out in the rafters there.


Where it hasn't yet come down.
Sure it flys about the store.
But as of me leaving work today...
Our $350 bird was still loose.

....I really hope we catch it before it gets the 'bright' idea to fly out of the store....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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