Monday, March 13, 2017

Magnetic Connection

Sometimes I get asked to do some odd things in the store.
Maybe it's because I seem confident...or the fact that I can get things done if given a task...
But today.
My manager had me help them hang a large banner inside the store today.

Which considering the fact that we were both like the shortest people in the store....I found rather amusing.
I mean, why did we not have any of the other managers hang up this banner?
Why leave it for this morning.
For us short people to do?

The easy answer is: Because they're lazy and didn't want to do the work themselves. That and they were taking the instruction of "have it hung on Monday" quite literally. *shakes head*

In any case.
For this month my work is doing this 'food drive' of sorts.
Where whenever a customer buys a bag of food (cat or dog doesn't matter the brands) then a meal is donated to a pet in need.
Pretty cool concept. :) And it's great that it's any bag of food instead of just a specific brand.

But in order to promote this 'event.'
We had to hang up this large banner.
Which is like seven feet by three feet.

...and our ceilings are like....twenty feet above us.

So again....why have the shortest people in the store attempting to do this?
*shakes head*

Luckily we didn't have to do any actual climbing lol.

We have these handy dandy tools similar to the poles that people use to change the lettering on their signs outside.
That allow us to hook up the huge poster without having to leave the ground ourselves. Yay. :)

And to make it even easier?
This huge banner is hung via Magnets!!


Big strong magnets. The size of my fist.
Easily able to hold up the thirty or forty pound banner lol.

So we took our wires, hooked one side to the banner, the other to the magnet. Stuck magnet on the pole and....

After a lot of adjustment on the length of the wires so that the banner would be above customer's heads.

And with much shaking on my part because that's an awkward angle no matter what you do trying to lift something up with your arms stretched out all the way....
Geez felt like I was in the middle of an earthquake trying to lift that thing up to the rafters above and stick the magnet to it. lol.

But I did it!
Stuck the magnet to the rafter, lifted up my portion of the banner, and managed to unhook the pole from the magnet without dislodging it back to the ground. lol.

My manager had slightly more trouble with their side, their pole got caught on the magnet. But a bit of adjustment by me.

And yes!!
Our banner is hung!!
And hopefully...
Hopefully it won't fall..... :S

I trust you magnets.
Do your job.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Update: A coworker (who's caught like the last six birds we've had get loose) caught our wayward BeeBee so the bird is back in it's cage!

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