Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Turtle Turtle

I had an older gentleman come into the store today.
Wanting to know information about Turtles.

Because he had a friend who had three good sized red-eared sliders (around 6-8 inches long) in a tank. -His gesturing hands indicating the size of about a ten gallon.
And he said that his friend was going to give him one of these turtles, that are in water mind you, and that he wanted to know what he needed to take care of the turtle.

So I showed him.

Like most oblivious new-pet owners.
He thought that he could keep the turtle in a ten gallon tank. Thought that they could stay in the water 24/7. And was experiencing sticker shock when I showed him a complete Turtle Set up that cost $200. -Which was a 20 gallon long tank, heat, food, filter, gravel, water conditioner, floating dock, and some other odds and ends.

He couldn't believe that a turtle would require so much care. Especially when I added in that he'd want to do a water change probably once a week, and that he'd have to feed the turtle daily.

Obviously he would want to get his money's worth.
And so asked me a common question of 'can I put fish in with the turtle?'
To which I answered no.
"Not even these large fish here."
"I wouldn't recommend it. Even if the turtle can't eat it, he will try to, and will injure it."
The gentleman didn't appear to believe me. But I stood firm on that regard. It's possible the turtle would do nothing, but part of their diet is fish, so if they get hungry enough they would try to eat them.

*shakes head*
The gentleman ended up leaving the store without buying anything.
Possibly to go back to the neighbor to get his opinion on what he would need, or to tell the owner he was taking care of his turtles wrong, or possibly to say he no longer wanted the turtle.

In any case....even if he ends up not getting that turtle from his friend...at least he's been given more information on how to care for them if he does decide to keep one as a pet. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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