Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Show of Concern

I had a customer come into the store today.
A regular.
One who owns a ton of conures/parrots. Most of which he's rescued from less than good homes.

He's one that's always talking about building a huge aviary to keep all his birds in. One that will be easy to clean and not so much work as his current place.

And he wants me to come and work with him, work with the birds when all is said and done.

Which is....all well and good....
Only the birds are probably my least favorite animal to work with in the store.
And my willingness to go work there wasn't at all increased when he showed me all the wounds he's gotten from his various birds.
:S thanks. I'd rather not get scarred up from those beaks. The parakeets are bad enough, I don't want to even think what a parrot beak can do.

In any case.

He asked how I was doing, as we haven't seen each other in a bit.
Mostly because our bird section of supplies in the store shrunk drastically, and he can find better deals for all the supplies he needs online.

So I told him a bit about some health issues I've been dealing with.

And he was the sweetest guy.
Seeming to show genuine concern over my issues, wanting to know if I had the money to cover medical expenses, how bad was it, was I really sick (don't think I's a bacteria infection from fish tank water we believe.) And such.

And it was really....nice.
To have someone showing so much concern over me.
So much worry.
and like an uncle or grandfather. He gave me a hug, which I really needed. Telling me it would all work out and such, and to let him know if there was anything he could do to help.

It was sweet of him. :)
It's a good feeling when you've made a good impression on customers that they worry about you when you're not doing well. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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