Saturday, March 26, 2016

Squeak Squeakers

I've seen the mouse before.
In the store.
A wild grey one.
That runs and skitters out of sight whenever we suddenly startle it in the back janitor area.

It's been here and there for months now.
I didn't think much of it.
I figured it would eventually leave (why would it? food gets spilled all the time, it would have an endless supply)

But...I don't think anyone ever counted on the single mouse bringing friends.

I mean, we have traps set...which should trap the mice.
Only....apparently mice don't go 'exploring' they run along the walls. So if the trap is turned the wrong way. The mouse won't turn and go into it.

So the traps...useless.

And so what did my Head Manager find a few days ago?
He picked up a box that was in the janitor area.
And what was in it?
Two litters of baby mice. O.O Like 12 in total! Of two different sizes meaning that there was actually two litters of them.

But there's more.

For...well forever really but more like maybe two months?
Our floor scrubbing machine has been broken.
So our cleaning guy has been taking a mop and bucket to the floor for the past little while.
While we waited a day and a night and another month to finally have a guy come in and fix the machine.
-Honestly I thought we would just get a whole new scrubbing machine.
But instead we had a guy come fix it.

And what did he find inside of the machine?

Lots and lots of mice.

I have no idea how many. It could have been 2 or 20 or any number inbetween.
But it was a lot of mice.

Our one little mouse had brought friends.

I'm not sure if we got rid of them all.
Or if we need to have someone come in to get them all.
Or since we destroyed their homes they decided to leave.

but it's rather crazy to think we had a whole colony of mice living in the back area of our store and we never realized it. O.o

Thankfully we discovered them.
So if they haven't been taken care of already, they will be soon.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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