Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Missing Keys

We lock our animals in their cages.
It's necessary. To keep customers from opening the cages whenever they want to and grabbing animals out willy nilly.
It also keeps them from getting bitten, and our animals from getting injured.
As an associate would have to be present, with the keys, to open the cage and get the animal out for the customer to see.
So its not surprising that we keep the cages locked at all times unless a customer wants to see an animal closer.

That usually requires keys.
And at work we have multiple sets.
So that if there is more than one coworker in the department,
We all would have access to a key so we can open the cage right then instead of having to go searching for them.

So usually in the mornings, the first person to come in grabs those keys from the manager on duty. Usually two sets, because usually there's two people in the department for most of the day. It also saves us having to make multiple trips to grab more keys as more people come in.
So when one of us leaves, we just hand off our keys to whoever is still on duty and go.
And if you're the last person to leave the department,
You give the keys to the manager, and head out.

Easy peasy.

Doesn't mean that mistakes don't happen on occasion.
Where occasionally a set of keys will be taken home.
No big deal.
As we have extras.
So if one set of keys is taken home, we still have another set that we can use and share until the other set is returned to us.

When I came in this morning.
What did I find?

Both sets were gone!

Occasionally they end up getting left in certain areas of the store.
So I double checked there.
And came up empty.

Both sets of keys...
Ended getting taken home.
*shakes head*

Which makes it rather difficult to do anything whatsoever in the department.
Because without keys....
We can't unlock the cages.

It's crazy, because both of my closers last night managed to take home a set of keys.
And guess what?
They were both off today.

Which meant they weren't coming in!!

No keys?!
How are we supposed to function!!

Okay, not all was lost.
We have a third emergency set for when such a thing possibly happens. (or there's like three of us in the department.)
It's not a complete set of keys unfortunately.
But it had most of the components so I was able to open up my department just fine.
And when I needed a key that I didn't have, I just had to go find a manager and borrow their keys in order to get the task done and return them.

So. Annoying.

Thankfully though, we were able to call in my two coworkers.
And have them drop by to get us our keys.
So that when it more than likely got busier tonight.
My coworkers wouldn't have to keep sharing one set of keys.

Hopefully....this doesn't happen again.
As it was rather inconvenient and stressful in an already stressful day.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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