Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cleaning Ever Cleaning

So today, BB comes up to me and hands me a card, with some information on it, telling me to read it and then sign.

Which I started to do.
Only then I got distracted with a call over the system asking me to go up to the register. And other customers needing help.
So I signed the back....and as I did so.
She was like "Did you read it?"
And I was like "Ya--no.."
As I realized I'd been just staring at it, but not really taking what I was seeing in.

So I had to do a quick glance from it.
To learn that the card was about things we can do in the store to keep it a safe environment for everyone there. "Housekeeping."

Which basically was. "Clean up any garbage you see on the ground, wipe up spills, if you can't get to a spill right away get a 'caution wet floor sign' and place it there so customers don't end up walking into smelly things." etc etc.
All stuff that I know....

Which is funny.
Because earlier....I think it was earlier today, it might have even been yesterday.

One of our DogFood representatives -a person who comes in on behalf of a certain company in order to endorse/sell their dog food to customers over other foods....
Commented, as I was cleaning up a section where dog poop had been smashed and tracked about creating a huge stink in the store....

That I was the only one she ever saw cleaning up messes.

So it's funny that BB wanted me to read the card,
When I was already doing the stuff that was on the card.
I mean, if I have time/I've finished my duties, I'll take a moment to grab a mop and a bucket and clean up spills I've noticed.

I think our main problem...
Is that we have a bunch of new coworkers, who aren't always aware that we're responsible to clean up messes in the store if a customer who doesn't pay attention or chooses to be rude and not clean up after their pet.
Or if they're aware they think. "Someone else will get that." *shakes head*

It's good to know that I'm ahead of the curve. lol
Not hard to be since I've been in the store much longer than any of my associates. I've had the same talk the year before that, and the year before that.... ;) lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

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