Sunday, March 6, 2016


It's been a while since I've done a cat adoption at work.
Or really do much with the cats.
As cats aren't often adopted in the mornings when I usually work.
And I haven't had to clean their cages recently because I'm always busy doing the bedding changes for other animals in the store.

Well, our adoption group we partner with,
Had just brought in some more cats in search of their forever homes.
And customers were interested in all of them.

There was this one kitty.
Where I doubted she had been in the cage more than 15 minutes or so.
Before a customer was ready to adopt her.

She was a calico. Very pretty. Mostly black with orange and white markings to her.
-She reminded me a bit of my own cat Flare.
But this pretty kitty.
Was really chubby. A big nice, fat kitty cat. Totally heavy too lol.
Still adorable.

In any case.
The new owners of this kitty cat.
Were like typical customers, who while they want to get what's necessary for their new family member.
Don't want to spend a lot of money on them.

Part of the requirements for adopting out a cat from us,
Is that they have to have some sort of carrier to place the cat in.
They need to be contained from the cage to their car.
Because we have a lot of dogs come into the store.
And lots of high hiding places within said store.
Where cats can climb and disappear.
So to avoid the cat being more stressed out than necessary.
We make sure they are contained.

Normally, it doesn't matter about the carrier used.

But it's not often that we get in chubby kitty cats.

The owner wanted to go as inexpensive as possible.
Which meant their carrier was a cloth sort of thing.
Which can work for cats. But usually for smaller more narrow cats.

Not for chubby cats.
Poor kitty.
She couldn't fit.
I instigated the help of a guy standing nearby.
Still a no go.

And the cat was getting more and more freaked out.
Somewhere in the process of that, her back claws got me.
Scratching my wrist. And drawing blood.
Before going ahead and batting at me with her front paws. (poor thing had been declared)
And at a point tried to bite me a couple of times.
Thankfully my hair ties and watch blocked her teeth from my arm.

So finally I was like 'Okay, you need a different carrier.' to the customer.
Which she wasn't too happy about, but the cat went into that hard sided carrier a lot easier than into the soft sided one.
Hopefully the kitty is nice and calm now, enjoying the new home she's in.
As it was a trial to get her home. lol.

I ended up having to bandage up my wrist after all was said and done.
Because it kept bleeding.
So I spent the rest of my shift with a blue wrist. (the bandaids are blue)
Which I didn't mind. :)
For some reason I always feel super cool when I wear blue bandaids. Don't know why. Just is. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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