Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to Lift 150 gallons

We had a customer who wanted to buy a 150 gallon tank.
Like the heaviest tank in the store to move.
It takes 4 guys to move it.

And unfortunately....we only had one guy at work and he'd just gone on lunch and wouldn't be back for an hour. :S
Thankfully, the customers had to go grab their truck and ended up shopping for a bit so they were ready to purchase just as the one guy manager showed back up from his lunch break.

And lucky us, we managed to find two other guys -besides husband and my one coworker -in the store. -We borrowed two of the guys in the vet clinic - to help us move the tank.

It was kinda annoying though.
As we had another manager on duty.....who possibly could have helped out.
-As I write this, I remember she has trouble with her back sometimes....I think.

And I thought she was going to help out.
Until I got told that she'd already gone home.
As she was due to head home at the same time as the other manager got back from lunch.

I just found it.....annoying.
I mean, she knew that we needed help with this 150 gallon tank.
She's probably the strongest out of all us girls in the store.
And yet....she left.
She didn't even stick around to see if we figured out how to move that tank.

Granted, she may have had other errands and such where she couldn't stick around.
But seriously?
 You couldn't have just hung out to make sure we could find enough people to move the tank??


-Sarnic Dirchi

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