Saturday, March 12, 2016

Still Frozen?

The box had been sitting there since yesterday.
I know, because I remembered seeing it.

But the box wasn't obviously labeled as anything.
So automatically I assumed it didn't apply to my department at all.

It did.

When we opened the box this morning.
What did we discover?

It was a box containing a bunch of frozen fish food. :S
Fish food that had been delivered around 24 hours ago.

My head manager was like "Oh great! That's a huge loss to us! We're going to have to throw it all away because it's all warm now!"

All was not lost.

Because upon opening the Styrofoam box.
That had had a ton of dry ice (now melted) in it.

I discovered that all the frozen food....
Was still frozen!!

Still nice and cold to the touch.
Not thawed at all!

We totally dodged a bullet there.

I made sure to get it all into the freezer.....
Just in time for another box of frozen fish food to be delivered.
This time, the managers made sure to take it right over to my department for me to unload. lol.

So into the freezer it all went.

To wait for a customer to come and buy it. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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