Monday, March 14, 2016

Not Coming In

It's so weird to me.
To have my coworkers call in sick.

I mean....I can understand why they do it.
It's no fun to work while sick.
Especially if you can barely stand up or talk or see or whatever....

But it's really weird to me.
Because as of yet *knock on wood*
I haven't called in sick before.....

Maybe I just have an immune system that can fight off the more devastating bugs that go around.
Or I'm just stubborn and I'll go into work anyways when I'm not feeling the best.

I mean, I've had to leave work early a handful of times. Because I really couldn't work like I thought I could.
But I've always shown up and tried to do my job.

I suppose its the responsible side of me,
That doesn't want to let my coworkers down.
Doesn't want to cause trouble.
Make things difficult for my coworkers.

Because I know how it feels to have to suddenly find people to cover the sick coworkers.
It's stressful, and not fun.

And more often than not, if the coworker that calls in sick, is my replacement coworker for the dept when I get off my shift....
I end up having to stay a little later to cover most if not all of the missing shift hours until the person after the sick coworker can show up.

So, this morning.
When my coworker called in sick.
And I checked the schedule and realized that she was supposed to be my replacement.
I figured I would have to cover some of her shift.

Which.....considering I'm scheduled for 40 hours... this week....
Isn't good.
As work doesn't like having to pay you overtime.

So I was half hopeful.
That the fact I was full time would deter them from asking me to stay later.

I planned for it.
Planned to stay one or two more hours after my shift ended.

And I ended up being right.

Because out of like the five other people we could call.....
Nobody was available to come in.
XP Bleh. I think everyone just wanted their day off too much to answer a work call. *sighs*

Which left me needing to stay two hours past the end of my shift.
As the coworker coming in after my sick coworker could only make it in an hour earlier than she was scheduled.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Because I'd had all shift to mentally prepare to have to stay longer.
So I didn't mind it as much.
Plus thankfully, it wasn't crazy busy at that point of time.
So I could just kinda chill out once all my tasks were done. Which due to customers actually coming into the store....I didn't get done til a bit after I was supposed to get off anyways.
so in the end it all worked out. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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